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He stopped in front of a building that had seen better days. Yellow chipped paint, a grungy looking
interior, and a walk up window where they could make their order to go greeted them.  This is the
place, huh? she asked warily, wondering if the kitchen was up to code.
 Baby, they make the best clam chowder I ve ever tasted. Even better than the chowder I ve had in
San Francisco. He nodded at the employee who stood behind the counter, gaping at him.  How ya
doing? Two clam chowders in a bread bowl, please.
 Aren t you&  the employee trailed off, shaking his head.  You are, aren t you?
 What are you talking about? Nick schooled his expression, his face completely neutral while the
kid continued to stare.
He slowly shook his head.  Never mind. Coming right up.
 Why did you do that? Willow asked when the teenager moved away to serve up their chowder.
She was surprised. He usually reveled in the attention.
 I don t need all that superstar shit. Tonight is about you and me and clam chowder. Nick smiled
slowly, his gaze warm as he bent down and dropped a kiss on her lips.  You look extra pretty tonight,
Will. Did I mention that already?
He might ve when he came to pick her up but she d let him say it again.  You look good, too, she
said reluctantly. He always looked good. It drove her crazy.
Nick shrugged those sexy broad shoulders.  Same ol me. Maybe I m just growing on you.
Well. Wasn t that the truth? Not that she d ever admit it.
They grabbed their bread bowls, Nick paid, and they found a bench to sit on, eating and watching
people as they passed by. The breeze off the ocean became bitingly cold, and Willow shivered
beneath her thin sweater.
 I m buying you the cheesiest sweatshirt imaginable after we finish eating, he said, pointing his
plastic spoon at her.
 No way am I wearing some neon pink sweatshirt with California emblazoned across it. She
slowly shook her head, instantly coming up with a better idea.  Maybe I ll buy you one instead.
 Make sure it s purple and has a sad-faced seal on the front of it, he said, not batting an eyelash.
 Purple is my favorite color.
 It is not. Didn t anything faze him? She was so on edge being with him out in public, and he acted
like it was no big deal.
 Maybe you should snuggle with me under my sweatshirt instead, he suggested, his gaze heated as
he stared at her.
A giggle escaped her, and she immediately clamped her lips shut.  No way. She shook her head,
despite her skin buzzing with anticipation. That sounded like an amazing idea, but she refused to do it.
She couldn t be seen with Nick like that, surrounded by strangers. It might give him ideas.
It might give her ideas. Ideas she couldn t begin to contemplate.
This is fake. These dates mean nothing. Don t forget. And whatever you do, don t let him break
your heart again.
She really, really needed to remember that.
They ate and talked, sharing what happened in their worlds the last few days like a normal couple,
which made her uneasy.
 Work keeping you busy? he asked nonchalantly as he devoured his clam chowder.
 Definitely. This is one of the busiest times of year for me. During the holidays and early summer.
Holiday parties or weddings and baby showers. She went into enthusiastic detail about her schedule
for the next few weeks and the new cotton candy flavors she wanted to try thanks to the inspiration she
just received here at the Wharf.
That mention had put a particular sparkle in Nick s eyes, which, of course, thrilled her.
Not that she would ever admit it.
 How do you feel about the next game? Are you ready?
 Hell, yeah. I m pumped. The entire team is pumped. Don t like to go into too much detail only
because we get a little superstitious. He tore off a hunk of sourdough bread from his bowl and
chewed thoughtfully.  After everything s over, we should go on a vacation.
She nearly swallowed her tongue.  Together?
 Well, yeah. That s the idea. His gaze zeroed in on her face, turned thoughtful and aroused, all at
once.  You work damn hard, woman. You deserve a break.
 You work pretty hard yourself, she pointed out, her skin warming with pleasure that he seemed so
concerned with her wellbeing tonight. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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