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The thought cut like a hundred knives.
Something New
As he walked out the door, she sat up and beat the mattress with two fists.
What the hell is your problem, Raine?
He felt sick. Gutted. What the hell had gone wrong there? He didn t say the right
things? Do the right things? How had he not loved her the best way? Slow, hard, fast?
Hell. On the floor, in the bed, even against the wall! What was he going to do to prove
to her she needed to stay longer with him? Cancel that damn trip to Rome and come
make love to him whenever she wanted?
By the time he stood in front of his own hotel room door again, her workout clothes
in his one arm, he knew he had to say more, do more, come right out and blurt that he
loved her. That no one else would ever do.
He thrust his card key in the damn slot and charged forward.
 Raine? he called from the living room.  Got your things.
Silence. Was she here?
 Heard someone in the hall say the fire alarm was just a prank.
Getting no response, he walked through to the bedroom. The rumpled bed where
they had rolled around like two love-starved teenagers was empty.
She couldn t have left him. Would she?
 I m here, he heard her say and he spun to see her emerge from the bathroom,
naked as a nymph and dripping from the shower. She clutched a bath towel and dried
off a bit, then dropped it to the floor to walk toward him.  I missed you, she confessed
as she looped her arms around his neck.  And I owe you an apology.
 Yeah? He couldn t help himself from bringing her right up against him.  What?
 I want more than room service and the gym.
His heart did a silly flip-flop.  Tell me.
 I want to dance with you at the reception.
Cerise DeLand
 Ah, well. He grinned and pressed his hungry cock against the sweet swell of her
pussy.  I ll beat any man off with a stick who wants to put his arms around the mother
of the bride.
She caught her breath, her beautiful green eyes so hopeful.  I ll murder any girl
who puts her hands on the best man.
He couldn t help himself from saying,  He s yours, baby.
 I know, she whispered and pressed her full lips to his.  I m wondering if I could
interest him in something more than dancing at the reception?
He sank his fingers in her wet hair.  You can. He kissed her, hard and fast.  Can
he interest you in a little trip next weekend?
Breathless, she grinned and hugged the stuffing out of him.  I ll cancel my flight to
 Good. You don t need to go away to get away from temptation.
She chuckled.  Not when I ve given in to it already. And not when I love it.
 Un-uh. He picked her up and spun her around.
 Where would we go? she asked.
 I m buying a house in Belize. A getaway. I thought you d come help me decorate.
 Sounds yummy. She was grinning as she hooked her hands in his shirt and
pulled it over his head, then scored her nails down his ribs.  What will we do there?
When we re not looking at furniture?
 Good question. He flicked his shorts off and grabbed her up so that she wrapped
her long legs around his hips.  We ll run on the beach. He headed for the bathroom.
 Eat passion fruit.
 Dance? She giggled like a kid.
 Salsa. Cha-cha. He walked them both into the shower and hit the water control to
put them both in a warm, solid stream of refreshment.
 Make love? she whispered.
Something New
 Make love, he answered, his lips capturing hers over and over.  Any way you
want. Any time you want. As long as I m the only man you want.
 Scott McCoy. She reached up and kissed him lavishly.  Darling. You are. The best
man. The only man for me. She gasped as he held her to the wall and claimed her body
with a sweep of his huge, reverent hands.  I m contributing something interesting to
this wedding. You know. Something old, something new, something 
 Tell me quick, baby. I m busy here, he crooned as he sank his fingers up inside
her pussy and she moaned.
 You are my something new.
He paused to stare at her.  I m your something permanent. And then, he took his
sweet time proving it.
About the Author
An award-winning author of more than two dozen romances and mysteries, Cerise
DeLand creates heroes readers crave. Cerise has met many men in her worldwide
travels and created the best of the best from all the wonderful places she s lived and
visited. Today, she lives and writes in wild west Texas, where a never-ending stream
of cowboys, vaqueros, para-military types and diplomats stroll into town and fuel her
imagination for red hot affairs.
Cerise welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email
address on her author bio page at
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Also by Cerise DeLand
Carried Away
Hat Trick
Her Three-Way Merger
Laid Bare
Mia Dolce
Until the Dawn with Desiree Holt
Whenever We Meet
Print books by Cerise DeLand
Irresistible Forces [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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