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down and pressed my mouth to his. His tongue plunged in and then he was
walking toward the bed, every step moving me against him in delicious ways,
and we fell to the sheets in a tangle of limbs.
As he kissed me again and again my fingers moved to unbutton his shirt. I
pulled the material from the waistband of his breeches and pushed it down over
his shoulders, needing to feel his bare skin against mine. His lips slid like
silk to my jaw and my neck as I arched my back and pressed myself against him,
running my hands over the tight muscles in his back. His lips paused briefly
at my neck and then trailed lower. I sucked in my breath as his tongue slid
over one nipple. Arching under him, silently begging him, I fisted one hand in
his hair. His mouth closed over me, pulling, the gentlest hint of teeth, and
my legs came up around him. I could feel the hard length of him against me and
I shuddered, my limbs shaking.
His mouth traveled the valley between my breasts; he kissed me there as one
calloused hand moved slowly up my leg, over my hip. His lips closed over my
other nipple, drawing tightly and then releasing, his tongue making a single
pass over the tight crest before he drew it roughly into his mouth again. I
threw back my head as his weight shifted and his hand moved over the most
intimate part of me, fingers tangling in my curls. Pressing myself against
him, I cried out for his touch but his fingers lightly circled me, teasing me.
 Michael, I begged.  Please.
 What do you want, lass?
 I don t know, I said, my head thrashing back and forth on the pillows,  but
you do. Give it to me!
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ABC Amber Palm Converter,
His finger slid inside me and my hips jerked, a small scream tore from my
 Oh God, you re so hot, he moaned against my lips.
He moved me onto my side and curled his body behind mine, his finger
constantly moving in and out in a delicious rhythm that sent my blood flowing
like molten quicksilver in my veins. His other arm came around me, cradling my
neck against his shoulder as his free hand reached out to stroke my breasts,
to roll the rigid peaks between his fingers. Moaning, I laid my hand over his,
feeling his finger pressing inside me, and rocked against him as he slowly
slid another finger inside. I sank my teeth into his bicep to keep from
screaming and fiercely rode the waves of pleasure, reaching, always reaching
to something that was not quite attainable.
 No, not yet, he groaned and slid his fingers from me, their wetness
trailing across my stomach. I felt the bed move and, trembling, I turned to
watch him undress.
He was magnificent. He was all long, lean muscles and rigid planes and
angles. His manhood stood out proud and terrifying. I sucked in my breath and
stared. He had to be joking; there was no way this was going to work. I
reached out one hand to touch him, my fingers skimming the length of his
manhood before I closed my hand over it. I reached my other hand up and placed
it next to the first and I still couldn t encompass him completely. He was
hard as marble and throbbing in my hands. I looked into his eyes with grave
 Oh ye of little faith, he muttered and tossed me back on the bed. Stalking
around the bed he stopped at the foot of it and stared down at me.
My hair spilled over the pillows in a pool of ruby waves, my skin nearly the
same color as the cream sheets. I raised one leg and trailed my long fingers
over my knee and down the inside of my thigh in what I hoped was a provocative
manner. He growled and came down on the bed on all fours. Stalking me like the
predator he was, he moved with liquid grace to rest between my thighs, his
eyes never once leaving my face. His breath was warm on my moist curls and I
screamed his name as his mouth covered me, hot and wet and urgent.
 Michael, I moaned. Surely proper people didn t do this but I couldn t quite
bring myself to ask him to stop. It simply felt too good.
 Dulcie, he whispered against me.
I stiffened.
 What is it? he asked, looking up at me in confusion.
 My mother called me Dulcie. It doesn t seem right somehow to hear it from
you as you re doing& that. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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