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"I'm not going down there no more."
"The big bad ass that kicks the shit outta cops passes out at the sight of a dead body." Hudson's
head jerked up at the familiar voice and smiled brightly.
"Hey Bill, what brings you here, there's nothing wrong is there?"
"Nope, just came by to tell you that your construction crew is in lock-up. They got caught
stealing building materials from someone else's work site, so that means that the police may want
to take a look at your place. You know to see if there's any stolen material over there."
"Just fucking great, just what I need on top of everything." She dropped her face down against
her lover's neck and grumbled obscene things that she wanted to do to the construction crew. Bill
took one look at the two women and knew that things had changed for them, he smiled at the
other women and waved goodbye. He had to get back down to the ER before the others ended up
tossed in jail for just being there. He couldn't wait to tell Hudson's other dads that she had finally
found her other half.
Hudson unlocked the door to her building and let Waylon proceed before her; she stepped inside
the lower half and sighed. After two months of so-called construction, there wasn't a single
change from when she bought the place. She was hoping that they started on the top floor so they
wouldn't track dirt all over the place. She took her lover's hand and led her to the steps that went
up where her living quarters would be, flipping on the lights; she looked around and cussed
under her breath. "Those mother fuckers, they didn't do anything!" She walked around and saw
that not even a single windowpane had been replaced. Cold air blew in from where the panes had
duct tape over them. She released Waylon's hand, dropped down onto a rusted paint can and
dropped her face into her hands. I gave them five thousand dollars to replace all the windows and
doors so that the weather wouldn't further damage the walls and floors." She looked up with
rage-filled eyes and growled. "Those fuckers ripped me off and there's no way in Hell I'll get my
money back." Waylon stepped behind her and wrapped her arms her chest.
"Maybe Bill can press charges against them and get the money out of the sale of their
construction company. There's probably other people out there that they've ripped off." She
nuzzled her neck and placed a soft kiss against her chilled skin. "In the meantime, I don't have
anything to do, so I'll start doing some work around here." She felt large hands cover hers and a
gentle nod of her dark head.
"I'll give you my check book and you can get the stuff you need," She leaned her head back and
placed a gentle kiss to her lips. "Maybe get the others to help carry stuff up the stairs and paint
and I'm sure my dads will help you to."
"What kind of floors do you want up here?"
Hudson looked around and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know, I was thinking hardwood at
first. What do you think I should do?"
"Ohh maybe a mixture, nice thick carpeting where the bedrooms gonna be, tile in the bathroom
and kitchen and a light colored hardwood everywhere else." She gave her a small nudge and took
her hand. "Come on let's go home, I'm cold and starving." Hand in hand, they left the building
and walked out to the Viper; Hudson checked her pocket and heard the jingle of keys. She
looked into smiling green eyes and rolled hers.
"Guess you're driving ya little pickpocket, not like I have a choice unless we wrestle on the
The next morning, Waylon dropped Hudson off at the hospital with plans to start getting
materials for her building. Before they parted, she left a panting Hudson standing on the
sidewalk. Now, after catching her breath and wandering into the ER nurses lounge, she stopped
and starred at Jack and Lashawna. "What in Gods name are you two doing with syringes?" She
flinched when they hit the end of the dangerous instruments that sat on the tabletop and followed
their flight to the ceiling. "Ohh Gods, what are you guys gonna do when they start to fall?" She
looked at the ceiling panels and stayed clear of the danger zone.
"Ohh we're prepared!" Jack pulled out a bedpan and dropped it on her head. "See, when they fall
they'll just bounce right off us."
"Took a couple stabs before we decided ta wear helmets," Lashawna dropped one over her head
and grinned. "Wanna play, the one who can stick the most gets a free lunch," She looked to Jack
with narrowed eyes. "And not the cafeteria either cheapskate, real food from a real restaurant."
Jack snickered. "Can ya tell she's winning?"
Hudson crossed her arms over her chest and gave them a lopsided grin. "I'll buy ya both lunch if
you go over and help Waylon, she's working on my building and needs help carrying stuff
upstairs." She held up a finger when they started to get up. "After your shifts, I don't wanna see
you two get fired."
"No problem," Lashawna said. "It's our day off& we didn't have anything better ta do then come
in and play." She gave Hudson a huge grin as she dragged Jack out the door. "Ohh it might help
if we know where your building is, I mean we've been by there before but& " [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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