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occasionally, these kinds of things did seem to run in families. How
she had claimed that all looked secure and safe and he didn t have to
worry. However, if Miranda wanted things to continue in such a
vein, she would have to be careful because multiple pregnancies
were much higher risk and far more taxing to her body. That part
scared him.
He remembered some of the rules from Trisha s pregnancy, but
he made Penelope outline them for Miranda, just in case. No
strenuous lifting of any kind. Running wasn t out of the question,
but she d have to brace herself for a vast reduction because she
probably wouldn t be able to run much past the third month.
Maintaining walks might be a good solution since strong legs would
aid in the birth, but again, only as long as she was comfortable.
Since Miranda had quite a bit of trouble sticking to a healthy diet of
any kind, Penelope admonished Josh to make sure that Miranda cut
her junk food by half before the end of the first trimester. Miranda
smarted at that, but kept quiet. In fact, he glanced sideways at the
pensive expression still on her face, she d been quiet ever since. Just
the way she d been the night they d conceived.
Josh re-gripped the steering wheel, his suddenly slick hands
having lost their hold. If Miranda was quiet, she was thinking. And
Love Me Tomorrow
Miranda s thinking generally got him into trouble, physical pain, or
debt. Since Penelope had informed him that pregnant woman had
magnified emotions and responses, he naturally began to fear for his
At the very least, life as he needed it.
 You re not going to disappear on me again, are you?
When she didn t answer, he darted a glance away from traffic.
She kept her face to the window.
 What? Flat tone. Almost complete lack of interest.
Damn it.  You re locking me out again.
She peered over her shoulder at him, her eyes brimming with
tears. She turned back when one splashed down, startling her. Biting
off a swear word she d usually hit him for using, Josh swerved to
the side of the road and parked the car in front of Ben Friedly s
place. The ancient old guy was probably across the street at Shaky
Jake s anyway.
 You can t do this, Miranda. Not this time.
 Do what?
He reached over the stick shift to cup her cheek and pull her
face back to facing him so he could look her in the eye. She could
ignore many things, but she d never once been able to reject the way
only he could touch her. She didn t this time either, which made the
sting of her tears scald his hand until it shook.
 You disappear. The second you find yourself on any kind of
limb, your eyes go glassy and you go so far inside yourself that I
can t see you anymore. 97
Dee Tenorio
She batted at his fingers but he didn t let go. Finally, she
yanked herself free.  I m not disappearing, you ass, I m angry. I m
allowed to be angry, aren t I?
His brows rose even as he surged with relief.  Angry? At
He didn t feel so relieved when she glared.  At you, you idiot.
 Me? What did I do? He d asked questions. He d taken part.
He didn t break that damn stick thing Penelope used. He d been a
frickin saint in that office.
 You fainted, Josh!
He had to swallow a growl.  I didn t faint. My knees gave.
She snorted her opinion of that.  Since when do your knees
give? You carry people out of burning buildings over uneven terrain
all the time. But take one look at two embryos and you practically
wet your pants!
 I did not! At that point, all feeling below the waist had gone
regrettably numb but even he hadn t gone that far.
 You did too! Tears streamed unchecked while she swung out
to his shoulder.  What s so terrifying about two innocent, sweet,
tiny, incredibly fragile, emotionally vulnerable little people?
Josh s temper dissipated as she sobbed openly into her own
hands. He reached out to touch her heaving shoulders, not sure what
would happen if he did. At the last second he pulled back.
 Miranda? What s really wrong? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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