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properly studied or understood.
Double Trouble:
Here is an account of one of the first times I experienced the mind split effect and
mental/visual feedback:
I had been meditating in my chair by the fire and returned to normal awareness as the rain
started drumming on the roof. The weather was pretty wild and the wind was starting to
shake the windows and doors. I looked at the clock, it was almost 3 AM. This was not
unusual for me, as sometimes I will meditate all night. I felt well rested and full of
energy and thought to myself  I ve never projected in a storm before, I wonder what it s
like? Closing my eyes once again, I relaxed back into myself and soon projected out of
my body, using the  point shift method, as given in Vol 1 of the Treatise. This method is
very similar to the method given by T.Lobsang Rampa in his book  You Forever . While
this method is more difficult than the Rope method, given in Vol 2, it is very effective
and is the original method I learned when I first taught myself conscious exit projection.
I have been projecting since the age of 4 or 5, but this was always spontaneous and I had
little control of when I would project. I taught myself to project deliberately at the age of
21, and found Rampa s books a great help.
(As a side note: many people have claimed that Lobsang Rampa was discredited, that he
was  exposed as being nothing more than an English plumber cum writer on
metaphysics. But, if you read his first book  The Third Eye you ll see that he fully
explained his circumstances, and how he came to be living in the body of an English
Plumber. He claims to have swapped bodies with a suicidal English plumber who was
about to kill himself - while his own Tibetan body lay dying of wounds. This feat was
accomplished during an astral operation carried out by high ranking Tibetan masters
(spirit masters) to preserve Rampa s unfinished life path, while freeing the Plumber (with
his full permission) who was at the exact end of his life. Personally, I found Rampa s
books to be very good reading, and they contain a great deal of useful information on
projection, clairvoyance, metaphysics, etc.)
Back to the projection: After exiting my body I moved through the wall and floated out
into the rain drenched night. What a gloriously wet feeling that was. I could feel and
taste the cool rain and blustering wind passing through me. The smell of rain and
wetness was everywhere, seeming to fill me with a bright and happy energy. I floated up
to the roof and sat on the chimney, looking out over the town. I felt a little bit like a very
wet Mary Poppins. I watched the rain dancing over the roofs and streets, swirling
through gutters and gurgling into drains. It seemed to have a friendly voice and rhythm
all its own  drink me, splash me, gurgle me, slosh me. (It seemed funny at the time:)
While sitting on the roof, I felt my body stirring in room chair below me. This effect had
often intrigued me and I decided to slide back through the roof and study it more closely.
As I passed through the roof I saw my body sitting in the chair, right where I had left it,
but suddenly I became aware of also watching my projected double (from my perspective
in the chair) sliding down through the ceiling - both at the same time! It was ME, sitting
in the chair watching another ME floating down through the ceiling, but it was also ME
floating in front of my chair some ten feet away - watching myself sitting in the chair.
This was not only confusing, it started making me feel quite ill.
I had two sets of vision and two sets of thoughts, all at the same time and all joined
together, it was fascinating. It also made a lot of sense. Just because the projected ME
was outside it s physical body, why should the physical ME have to stop thinking. Why
would it be left (as is commonly believed today) as a mere empty shell during a
projection? This raises the question of  what actually leaves the physical body during a
The projected ME (real time double) moved about the room, observing my physical body
in the chair - while it watched me back at the same time. I could still see the projected
ME, even when my projected double was situated behind the physical ME. I could feel
myself in the chair perfectly, as I tried to follow the movements of my projected double
about the room. This took some very real effort, and it also took a lot of energy to move
my projected double. It felt like I was moving through thick mud and I felt an enormous
pressure building up inside both of ME.
I was existing in both my physical body as well as in my projected double - both at the
 same time. I was fully awake (mentally) and aware and thinking inside both aspects of
myself. Inside my physical body, my consciousness appeared to be actively centered in
my etheric body, and this appeared to be how the physical ME was able to see the
projected ME (real time sight - seeing through closed eyelids). I came to this conclusion
because of the way I could move around  inside my physical body, and could even see
behind myself without physically moving. My etheric body appeared to be, quite
literally, able to turn around inside my physical body. This ability of the physical body to
see through closed eyelids and from different perspectives is frequently described by
projectors and trance meditators.
Note: The etheric body appears to be the very first level of subtle body, one stage up
from the physical body. This appears to be so closely enmeshed within the physical body
that it cannot normally leave its confines while it still lives. During the full trance state,
as well as during the projection process, however, it appears to gain some limited
freedom of movement. It will also often gain the ability to see into the real time zone,
and sometimes even into the astral dimension, around it. The etheric body appears to be
responsible for the ability to see through closed eyelids and covers, as is often reported by
projectors near the exit stage of a projection.
My observations: the center of waking consciousness appears to shift over  into the
etheric body when the physical body enters the trance state and falls asleep. This is very
like an internal projection, taking a  reflection of consciousness one step away from the
physical body and mind, while still holding it s original place within the confines of the
physical body. This stage, I believe, is the very first level of the multi dimensional
projection process, and is marked by the  heaviness experienced when the full trance
state is entered, which is also the sign the physical body has fallen asleep. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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