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Mr. Damon's caretaker, Rumble. I heard him say
 Mr. Damon's caretaker? Ned interrupted excitedly.  He's more than that Why,
that man's the one who followed me in a yellow car that time I told you about.
He had the blonde woman with him.
 Then he's probably the thief's accomplice! cried Tom, equally perturbed.
 Come on, let's catch him!
Capture was out of the question, however. Before the boys could get to their
own auto, Rumble had disappeared. Though his pursuers tried for some time to
trace him, they had no luck.
 We'll warn Mr. Damon anyway, said Tom.
This he did, then for two days young Swift plunged into concentrated work.
Finally he came smiling to Ned announcing he had something to demonstrate.
 I've asked Dad to come, he told his chum.
When his father arrived Tom took the two to his laboratory and showed them a
thin disk some twelve inches in diameter, made of an unfamiliar looking
 This is an alloy of Bartantulum, rubber and aluminum, Tom explained.  Now,
watch and listen!
He turned on a phonograph, which began blaring forth the strains of a lively
march. When he suspended the disk near it, the sounds of the music faded to a
mere whisper instantly.
Tom Swift And His Magnetic Silencer
 Amazing! cried Barton Swift,  I never dreamed you had made such an efficient
Congratulations, my boy!
 Thanks, Dad. But I'll show you it can take even louder noises an hush 'em
Thereupon he reduced the noise of a large steel drill.
 This is great! exclaimed Ned, visions of increased bank account for the
company in his mind.  There'll be a great demand for this stuff. Riveting
machines, boiler factories; in fact, almost any sort of work can be done now
in quiet! But what's the next step?
For answer he was shown a large, partially finished cylinder of the new alloy,
shaped somewhat like a bullet.
 This is the magnetic silencer for airplanes, said Tom.  The rod here will
hold it on top of the ship.
Shortly after lunch the silencer was taken over to Tom's private flying field.
There he attached it to one of his larger planes which ordinarily flew with an
almost deafening noise.
 If this sound magnet works in this test, said the inventor, ready to climb
in,  it will surely work on anything!
 Wait a minute! called Ned,  Here comes somebody running!
Somewhat annoyed, Tom turned to see a man hurrying across the grass, waving
 Special delivery letter, Mr. Swift! he panted, handing the inventor an
envelope.  It's from the government, so I thought you'd want it at once! I ran
all the way.
 Thanks, murmured the scientist, opening the letter. Suddenly he frowned.
 Bad news, Tom? asked father dubiously.
 I'll say it is. The War Department has notified me that another inventor has
perfected a silencer and they're about to buy his patent.
 Well, Tom I shouldn't worry too much, advised Ned.  I'm sure your invention
is better than this other fellow'sno matter what they say.
Nice of you to think so, replied the inventor, looking tired and somewhat
discouraged.  Why, I'm not even sure my idea will work in a plane.
Page 23
ABC Amber Palm Converter,
Try it, my boy, try it! urged Mr. Damon, who had just arrived.
 I will! decided Tom, infected by his friends enthusiasm.  Stand by the audio
locator and see if you can pick up anything.
As the plane shot up only a faint hum sounded. In a few seconds even this died
away. When the ship reached the five hundred foot level not even the locator
with its big horns and electric amplifiers, could detect a trace of noise. It
was weird, thought Ned, to see the powerful ship cruising overhead so
silently, like a ghostly bat.
 Tom has certainly succeeded! declared his father proudly.  The boy has made
Tom Swift And His Magnetic Silencer
 Sumpin's wrong wid de plane! screeched old Eradicate Sampson.  It's aburnin'
At this the others looked up from the listening device. The ship was very high
now, but plainly they could see black smoke pouring from it. Then a figure
leaped out and began falling.
 Massa Tom done jumped! moaned Rad.  He gwine be killed!
 No, no! cried Mr. Swift.  He has a parachute. Oh, I hope it doesn't fail
 The 'chute has opened! Ned yelled, much relieved.  Tom is safe now!
He had scarcely spoken when new danger loomed. The burning plane suddenly
exploded and the flaming wreckage plunged earthward. For an agonizing; moment
it seemed as if the fiery mass must surely strike the parachutist. It missed
by a scant margin, so Tom was able to float down safely.
 How did my magnetic silencer work? was his first question, as he came toward
 Thank goodness you escaped! exclaimed Barton Swift.  Your device worked
perfectly; we could not pick up a sound.
 It's a wonderful thing! burst out Mr. Damon.  Even though your fine ship is
a total loss! The eccentric man looked toward the smoking remains which had
crashed some hundred yards away.
 Bless my insurance policy, what caused the trouble?
 The Bartantalum affected the ignition system in some strange way, just as it
did the power plant circuits,
said the inventor, rather listlessly.  I could remedy that easily, but there's
no use trying, now that the government has a planesilencer.
 But, Tom! cried Ned.  That's not final yet. You still have a chance! Why not
call the War Department right now and ask them for more time?
 It's no use, I tell you! Tom Swift walked slowly away toward the hangar.
Without a word to anyone Ned Newton, lifelong chum and admirer of the saddened
inventor, caught an evening train for Washington. From the special delivery
letter he had learned that the rival silencer was to be tested the next day.
Through acquaintance with government officials he managed to get a pass to the
army flying field where the demonstration was to be held.
 This Smathers may have a silencer, he muttered, watching the inventor
bustling about the next morning,  but I'll bet it's not nearly as good as
Tom's! [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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