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The student prepared the book copying as it is. It so A wise man who was respected for his wisdom once
happened that in the book that was given by the Master told his son,  Learn from mother earth, learn from the
there were a couple of mosquitoes found dead in two tree, the animal, the elements and the sky; learn from
different places. The student was so foolishly sincere moon and sun, learn from the seasons, from the cycles
that he caught hold of two mosquitoes, killed them and of time. Learn from the stars and constellations. Keep
pasted them in those pages where the mosquitoes were learning about you also, how your desires spring; from
in the original book. Imitators are generally like that. where are your thoughts springing? Enquire yourself
They are more careful in imitating non-essentials and what is it that you like to do most. Do not waste away
not the essentials. time in eating and sleeping. If you don t do this I will
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put you to the English school, a Doon school. Doon Originality in all walks of life is what is attempted by
school is an English school run in India in the beautiful Uranus. Uranus does not introduce originality. Uranus
hill station in Himalayas called Dehradoon. It prepares upholds the originality of every being. Every being
children to meet the modernity of human life. The being original, Uranus upholds originality to enable
schools today and the teachers in the schools as well it to fully bloom. In this process Uranus upholds the
have lost almost all originality. dignity of every being and leads to self-rule. The one
Almost all human activity today is filled with who tends to be original, breaking away from certain
mediocrity of one copying the other. If someone beaten paths, needs to be responsible of oneself.
intends to be original he is snubbed either by the This would enable one to be self-supporting. Today s
parents or by the teachers or by the society. Society breaking away of children from parents can be seen
is comfortable with mediocrity, with herd mentality. as the quality of Uranus. The parents have only one
They would like the life to move in the general pattern duty towards the children, to inform what they know
like a rodent around the mill. This is unacceptable to as values. They cannot impose, they cannot influence.
Uranus. Uranus breaks this ignorance of dead routine. Much less they should try to control, it does not help.
It cannot tolerate stale practices which are not relevant No one would like to be told or ordered, at best
to the time. It breaks traditions if required to uphold one can inform only when sought. One can advise
the inner originality. In so far as the existing social only when advice is sought. One cannot presume the
practices have value to the present times, Uranus does position of an adviser unless it is given by the seeker.
not disturb them. But a practice and a tradition which Even the seeker does not give that position to that
has no meaning will not be respected by the younger adviser for all times to come. Such positioning is only as
generation. If the science of values are not informed as per seeking. Foolish are they who arrogate to themselves
they exist in tradition, even the valuable traditions will a position of adviser and keep advising unasked. These
be broken by the younger generation. The generations well-intentioned advisers would face more and more
to come, need scientific explanation from their elders disappointments for times to come. When it is so with
on what they do and what they impose upon the young advice, it is still worse with ordering and instructing.
ones. Impositions do not work, information with If you order or instruct someone to do, it is an act
reason and science behind a practice works. of power. There is a general repulsion to power in the
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human consciousness due to the long suffering that the Master. To gnostics he was a gnostic par excellence.
humanity had by misuse of power. Instructions and To the devotees he was the Lord. To the followers he
orders can go through a happy transformation to be was an unfailing leader.  Meet Levels  means such
friendly and suggestive communications. Friendliness orientation as to meet the other according to the
builds cordial relation, power snaps cordiality. Be wise other. Do not therefore mistake Uranus. Its intention
to know this. Change your communicating patterns. is to inaugurate love, the much cherished energy and
Let no power flow through communication. Let love eliminate power, the much abused energy. Love wins
and friendliness prevail in all communication. Learn to all. Love wins power, too. Love antidotes power. This
be non-violent in your communication and speeches. is the approach of Uranus to establish the law of love.
Inform, do not influence. Do not even try to Indeed an original approach.
impress, just express. It is for the listener to decide to Even a child would not like to take an order from
get influenced or not, to get inspired or not, to get you. You have to inform it and enable it to make a
impressed or not. Uranus teaches not only friendliness, decision. If the child doesn t like decision, it would
but also gentleness. If you are not gentle, the response not follow. You may have to reason it out. If you show
will be hostile. You must be wondering with all that is authority, the child will become stubborn. This is an
so far described of Uranus that it could also be gentle? aspect of Uranus. Your child is not your child as such.
But that is the real beauty of Uranus. It is gentle to the Our seniors come back as our children. When we came
gentle, hostile to the hostile, friendly to the friendly. It as children, we were seniors to our elders. Biological
meets level.  Meet Levels incidentally is a meditation measure is not the right measure to decide who is elder
given by Master C.V.V. Lord Krishna s life has been and who is younger. Who is child and who is grown
an outstanding example of this. To the music lovers up? All are souls moving together, changing bodies
he was a musician. Amidst dancers he was a dancer. according to the need. Just because someone is in the
To those who show friendliness he was friendly. To child s body you can t take him to be a child. The child
those who approach with love, he was the lover. To the could be your grandfather! So this kind of a situation
diplomats he was a diplomat. To the powerful he was is to be more and more understood and you have to
powerful. To the warmongers he was an unconquerable meet everyone at the level  level of soul. Because each
warrior. To the simple he was simple. To yogis he was one is an original as a soul, the attire that they put on
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cannot decide seniority and juniority. The evolution of rebellious behaviour of their children. The key is love
the soul decides. Thus, among the equals there is the and friendliness, but not authority. Respect the original
brotherhood of souls with younger brothers and elder in the other and make friendly and loving approach.
brothers. All of them are the sons of the same parents. Let self-rule prevail through self-understanding and
The students not listening to the teacher in schools, self-decision. Do not decide for others. Help them
the children not listening to the parents in the houses to decide if they seek your help. Deciding others life
is a challenge that is presented by Uranus. There is is aggression. Helping others when sought in their
something you have to learn to communicate to them. process of decision-making is permitted. But deciding
Not all teachers and parents are adequately educated to for others trying to be proactive is seen as  poking the
communicate with the children. Out of ignorance they nose into others affairs. Such noses would be cut off
try to impose. Their authority works not, and does through events. Helping others to make their decision
not work at all in the future. No one is subordinate is to help the process of unfolding the original. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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