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The boy half grinned, a sort of stoned smile.  You wanna
get out of it? We could have some fun.
 I m bleeding from the face.
He almost laughed.  I ve done it under worse
The Little Death | Andrea Speed
I didn t doubt that.
He came over and caressed the uninjured side of my
face before looking at the bungee cords. He was able to undo
those, and they fell to the carpet.  So what s your name? I
asked, wondering if he d tell me. He smelled like sweat and
sex and something else, probably a drug I wasn t familiar
 They call me Chance, he said. So not his name, just
what they called him.
 How long have you been in the Serpent Club?
 Couple weeks. It s a trip. I might actually make enough
money to go back to college.
 You didn t happen to ever encounter a hot black-haired
guy named Sander?
Chance looked down at me in a glazed way, like he was
so far away he could barely see him.  No, I don t think so.
Why? You lookin for him?
 I was hoping to see him again.
 That good, huh? He leaned over to look at the plastic
tie binding my wrist, and shoved his chest in my face. I
couldn t tell if it was deliberate or drug-based clumsiness.
 I m never gonna get those things off ya. You got scissors?
 Not on me. I would have asked if Chance had any on
him, but his underwear left nothing to the imagination. If
there was something other than his dick and balls in there,
it d be pretty obvious.
So, still fucked. But if the cops were out there, I needed
them to come into the hotel; it was probably the only thing
that was going to keep me alive.
The Little Death | Andrea Speed
Chance straddled my lap and gave me a lascivious
smile.  Guess we ll have to kill some time.
He was surprisingly warm, like he was running a fever,
but it was probably the drugs.  How do you get into the
Serpent Club? Seems like it s hard to find.
He shrugged a single shoulder and leaned in to nibble at
the uninjured side of my face.  They contacted my agency,
and me and a couple other guys tried out for it.
 Tried out for it? How do you do that?
 You do the trial. He bit my ear, and I could feel his
erection pressing against my stomach. I d be lying if I didn t
admit that this was kind of a turn-on, but the fact that I was
still bleeding from my face and my head hurt pretty much
put the kibosh on any romance.
 What s the trial?
 Five guys. Now he was nibbling my neck.  If you can
keep  em all happy, you re in.
 Five guys at once? I suppose that was some people s
idea of a good time, but that sounded like too much work to
me. Also, chafing had to be an issue.
 No, five guys in one night. If you can handle it, you re
I briefly wondered if Sander had filmed all of his  trial.
It might explain why a few of the sex tapes were shot at the
Roosevelt. As soon as Chance slipped his hands under my
shirt, I had what seemed to be a good idea.  Hey, you wanna
do something for me, Chance?
He smiled lazily, and I must admit he was attractive, in
an elegantly wasted sort of way.  What do you want me to
 Throw the nightstand through the window.
That made him raise his thin, pale eyebrows. Surely he
The Little Death | Andrea Speed
was expecting a sex act.  What?
 C mon, it s totally rock star. We trash the room and
fuck in the rubble. It d be hot.
A slow smile crept across his face, and his glassy eyes
seemed to glow.  That s kinky.
 You have to trash the room solo,  cause I m a little tied
up at the moment.
He chuckled at the horrible pun and slid off my lap,
which was kind of a shame. I watched him reel across the
room, taking the lamp off the end table and putting it on the
bed before looking at me dubiously.  Toss it through the
window, really? Won t they be mad?
 Who cares?
He considered that for a moment.  Good point. Chance
picked up the nightstand and threw it at the window. As the
glass shattered and the furniture sailed out into the night,
he laughed giddily, like a three-year-old on a sugar high. He
then started throwing furniture around the room, laughing
the whole time.  This is fun! he proclaimed, tipping the bed
If the cops were out there, they just saw a nightstand fly [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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