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later. First, he had to figure out what was going on between him and Meghan. Then they could deal
with the outside world.
The drive to Meghan s was quiet, Sasha having fallen asleep as soon as he buckled her in. Cliff
hadn t said a word to him, which worried him more and more. There had to be something going on
with the kid, but from the look on Meghan s face whenever she stole a glance at her son, neither of
them knew what it was.
He carried Sasha into the house, following Meghan and Cliff inside.
 I ll put her down if you want to get something to drink, Meghan said once they were inside.
 I ve got it, he said.  I know where it is.
 Okay, let me get Cliff set up in their room with the last of his homework. Sasha already finished
hers for preschool.
She gave him a small smile, and he met her gaze. What they were doing was so freaking domestic
it made his heart hurt, but he wanted more of this. He hadn t known how much he wanted it until he d
gotten a glimpse. Now he knew he d fight for it. Fight for more than he knew.
By the time Meghan came into the kids room and settled Sasha fully, Luc had backed out to let
her do what she needed to do.
 I know she needs to brush her teeth and everything, but we might just skip tonight. She s out for
the count, which means she needed her sleep. She usually takes forever to fall asleep fully like this.
Hence, why the tooth fairy had a fun time before.
Luc shook his head, smiling as he followed Meghan back to her living room.
 Thank you for bringing us home. I talked to Mom and Dad before I headed out, and I m going to
take Dad s truck. She took a deep breath.  I should have done it before because he s not using it with
his treatments, but I was too stubborn. She shook her head.  So stubborn that I was making it hard to
pick up my children from school. I can t keep doing that.
He let out a sigh then moved closer to her. Knowing he was about to do something very important
or incredibly stupid, he cupped her face. She let out a small gasp, but didn t pull away. Progress.
 You re stubborn, true, but you know how to take care of your kids. Don t think the opposite.
 Luc, what are you doing? What are we doing? Her voice was low, breathy.
He backed her up one step, two, so her back pressed against the door. He didn t want to cage her
in fully, but he needed to know she was there, needed to feel her against him.
 I m going to kiss you, Meghan. I m going to taste your lips, your tongue. Then I m going to do it
again. Once I can t breathe anymore, once I can t do anything but crave you, I m going to walk away
and let you think about what this means. I m here, Meghan. I m not going away. I want you. I want us.
 You can t mean that. We re friends, Luc. We re not anything more. We never were.
His fault, he knew, but that was the past. This was the present.
 We could be. This is just a possibility. A possibility of something greater than us standing alone
in a room with a crowd of people surrounding us. Let me show you what you could have, what we
could have. Let me show you.
With that, he lowered his mouth, gently brushing his lips across hers, once, twice.
She froze then tentatively put her shaking hands on his chest, not pushing but touching. He licked
the seam of her lips, and she opened for him.
They both groaned as he let his hands follow her neck and tangle in her hair at the back of her
head, cushioning her as he pressed her harder against the door. Their bodies aligned, hot, hard
melding to soft, want transforming to need. She tasted sweet and tangy, tasted of Meghan, the Meghan
he d never had but always wanted, always craved.
He pulled back and watched her eyes flutter open then kissed her again. Her tongue worked with
his, a smooth seduction that held the hint of promise. Before he could go further, before he pushed
them both to the brink, he pulled away, breathless.
 We ll do that again, Meghan.
 I& I don t know what happened.
He tucked a lock of hair behind her ear.  Yes. Yes, you do. And soon we ll find out more. Find
out exactly what it means. He leaned down and brushed his lips against hers before taking a step
back.  I ll see you tomorrow.
He said it knowing if he didn t leave then, he d push himself and her for more than either could
give. He shifted his erection in his jeans, loving the way her eyes followed the movement, then he left
her home.
He d taken the first step. Probably taken the second and third, too. Now it was up to her. He
prayed he hadn t made a mistake because, if he had, then he d lost it all.
But that kiss? That kiss had been worth it.
Worth everything and more.
Chapter Six
Maybe the world had tilted on its axis and Meghan now lived in a new dimension. It was the only
possible excuse for what had happened the night before.
She swore her lips were still swollen from Luc s kiss. Kisses. Plural. He d kissed her softly,
taken a breath, then kissed her hard, pressed her against the door. Her body shivered once again at the
memory of his hands on the back of her neck then tangled in her hair as he deepened the kiss.
Swallowing hard, she crossed her legs, praying her pussy would stop pulsating at just the
memory of Luc s delicious lips. Of course, thinking of his lips kissing anywhere else on her body just
made it worse.
Damn it. He was her friend.
He d been her best friend.
That s all they were.
 Meghan? Are you okay? You re all flushed. Miranda frowned down at her, reaching out as if to
feel Meghan s forehead.
Meghan instinctively moved back, pressing her back into the couch.  I m fine. She cleared her
throat.  I just need a drink.
Maya came up behind Miranda and cocked her brow, the piercing gleaming in the light.  You do
look flushed, but I don t think it s from being sick. She grinned, a knowing look in her eyes.  I think
it has to do with a certain someone who took you and the kids home last night.
Meghan raised her chin, refusing to kowtow to Maya. The three of them had always been
decently close since they were the three girls of the Montgomery clan. Their parents had thought it
was cute to name them all with M s, and their father even called them his M&Ms. It didn t matter that
Meghan had nine years on Miranda and two on Maya. They were sisters and knew most of their ins
and outs.
Each of them had their own secrets though some darker than others.
This secret, however, wasn t so dark. That didn t mean she wanted to share it with her sisters
 Excuse me? she said finally, putting as much ice into her tone as she could muster. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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