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up so I could lap at her wet folds again.
She pushed back against my tongue, eager
for more.
She was so ready for me.
I rose up and grabbed the base of my
shaft and rubbed it in her juices before
guiding it inside her.
 Fuck! It came out almost like a
growl. It just felt so good, and I couldn t
stop myself from voicing just how
amazing she felt finally wrapped around
I gripped her right hip with one hand
and her left shoulder with the other as I
worked in and out of her a few more
times. Soon after she was good and ready
I drove deep into her.
The noises that came from her mouth
sent a wave of pleasure through me. I
loved when she enjoyed something
sexually as much as I did.
As I nearly was ready to lose my
mind, I laid my chest on her back as I
reached around her hips with my right
hand. I fingered her sweet spot.  Come
with me.
 You like it when I do that? Lane
said, her voice full of passion.
Oh my God.  You have no idea how
much I fucking love it.
 Then fuck me harder. My eyes
widened with those dirty words coming
from those sweet lips.
I bit my lip as I pounded into her full
 Oh, God! she screamed as she
gripped the counter.
 Ah! It was all I could get out
before my hot seed spurted inside her tight
little body.
I lay gasping as I wrapped my arms
around her waist. Every time with this
woman was better than the last. We
connected on so many levels it was crazy.
She was truly my soul mate.
Chapter 7
The rest of the week flew by too
damn fast, and Tuesday morning came
before I was ready.
Kyle pulled up in the Escalade and
honked the horn. I was thankful Lane was
nearly better now that we were going back
on the bus.
I carried our luggage outside and
stacked it on the porch so Kyle could load
it.  Hey, man. Find your way back all
Kyle nodded and tucked his hair
behind his ears.  Yeah, it wasn t too bad.
Lane came up beside me, and I
wrapped my arm around her shoulders.  I
can t believe we have to go back
I sighed.  Tell me about it. I never
get enough time off. Sometimes I feel like
running away for a while.
She leaned her head against me.
 That s a nice dream, but I think your
legion of fangirls would track you down if
you stayed hidden for too long.
 If they re hot, I wouldn t mind so
much, I teased and she smacked my ass.
She raised an eyebrow and shot me
look that revealed she didn t think my
little joke was too funny.
I threaded our fingers together.
 Come on. Let s head back to
About twenty minutes into our drive
and hearing all about Kyle s week with
his girl Emily, Lane s cell chirped. She
dug into her purse and fished out her
phone.  We finally have service.
Even though I knew it wasn t polite
or good boyfriend etiquette to peek at her
phone, I glanced down at the screen. Ten
missed calls flashed before she dialed in
the code to listen to her messages.
A distinctly male voice was on the
line, and my ears perked up.
Lane twisted her lips as she listened
and then after a couple seconds grinned.
Why was she smiling? I was trying not to
be a jealous dick, but I didn t like it when
another man made her face light up like
that. That was my fucking job.
She hung up the phone and stared at
me.  That was Striker.
Both of my hands curled into fists on
my lap.  What did he want?
 To offer me a job, she said.  Isn t
that great news?
I shook my head.  No.
 No? What do you mean, no? This is
a great opportunity.
How could she not see what he was
doing? This job wasn t a goodwill
gesture. It was a way to keep her close.
That asshole obviously still didn t get it.
Lane was mine and he needed to move the
fuck on and quit trying to go after my girl.
It wasn t going to happen for him.  You
can t work for him.
Lane s eyebrows furrowed.  You
promised you wouldn t complain about
any job I took. I can t believe you re
acting like this. I know this isn t the ideal
situation or boss, but there s nothing
between Striker and me.
A sarcastic laugh slipped from me.
 Maybe on your end.
 Noel& don t be that way. I need this
I grabbed her hand.  But you don t
need this job. I ll take care of you.
She pulled her hand away.  I don t
want to be taken care of. Don t you
understand? I need a life outside of us
independence. The job Striker s offering
allows me to remain on tour with you and
still work. He won t be around like you
think. It s the best of both worlds.
I folded my arms across my chest and
attempted to listen calmly.  What kind of
She grinned.  It s putting together an
online marketing campaign for a new line
of men s jewelry Striker has designed
with a jeweler. It s a personal project for
I raised my pierced eyebrow.  Men s
jewelry? I knew that British fucker was
part fairy.
Lane laughed and smacked my leg.
 Be nice.
I held up my hands defensively.
 What? Just stating the obvious.
She rolled her eyes at me, and I
tugged her body against mine in the seat.
 This is serious, Noel.
I sighed.  I know. I m sorry, but you
have to admit he s a tool.
 He s pretty nice to me.
 Yeah, because he wants in your
panties. But I ve got news for him. It isn t
happening. Those panties belong to me.
She gave me a pointed look.  Do
I leaned down and kissed her lips
before I worked my way to her ear.  We
both know you love screaming my name
when you come. So yeah, they belong to
me, I growled.
Lane blushed fiercely. I knew that
was fighting dirty, but when it came to
claiming her, there were no rules. She was
mine, and I wasn t above reminding her or
anyone else of that from time to time.
We pulled into the parking lot a little
later, and Big Bertha was a comforting [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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