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me, he s definitely keeping his word to you and checking up on me as
much as possible.
Amused by her words, Remus reached down and trailed his
fingers along her ribs. Maddie put her hand over the phone when she
began to laugh. He was glad to see her teasing with him now.
 That s good, Maddie. I m depending on his good reports to be
less worried about you being alone. I talked with Dr. Constantine a
few days ago, and he s under the impression that you re not doing so
Remus saw a touch of fear come into Maddie s eyes and felt her
body shiver.
 Forget about Dr. Constantine, Michael. I m never going to see
him again, and I m never going back to his clinic.
 Well, we ll see, sister dear. I m going to let you go now. Get
some sleep and remember I ll see you in another week or so for a
short visit. We can talk about Dr. Constantine then. Good night,
 Good night, Michael.
Maddie slowly replaced the receiver and turned back to Remus.
He roughly caught her up in his arms.
 I m so sorry, baby. I totally forgot about his call when I found
you by the river. We ve been making beautiful love ever since then,
and I never gave Michael another thought.
 He might push for me to go back to the clinic, Remus. I didn t
think it was the right time to tell him about us or about Grandfather s
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Discovering Her Wolfen Heritage 121
Hugging her close to his body, Remus tried to make her feel safe.
 Don t you worry, Maddie, I ll never allow your brother or
Constantine take you anywhere. We ll tell your brother about our
mating together when we both think the time s right. You belong to
me now, mated for life, and the sooner everyone accepts that, the
better off they ll be.
Not wanting to discuss it further, he reached out and turned off the
light. Snuggling down into the quilts, he pulled Maddie close to him,
laying her head on his chest. Kissing the top of her head, he closed his
eyes and prayed that he d be able to keep her safe until she agreed to
the claiming. She d be locked up again over his dead body. Maybe it
was time for the pack to do something permanent to stop
Constantine s interest in wolf shifters. With that thought, Remus
drifted off to sleep holding his love tight in his embrace.
* * * *
A week later, Maddie was being stubborn. She continued to linger
in the bed, unwilling to face the day just yet. Today was the annual
picnic Remus invited her to, and she was having second and third
thoughts about accompanying him. And if that wasn t enough to make
her nervous, the fact that Michael would be visiting any day now was
the proverbial last straw.
The last few days had been wonderful. Remus had practically
moved in with her, only leaving occasionally to attend to Pack
business. She was getting used to his brothers and some of his Pack
members coming by the cabin several times a day to talk with him.
Their days had been filled with laughter and caring while their
nights simmered with their insatiable passion for each other. The only
dark cloud had been his constant, although subtle, pressure to perform
the claiming.
Last night had been the worst fight of all, Remus having lost the
ability to be subtle. She d tried to make him understand that she was
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122 Missy Martine
going to allow him to claim her, but she wanted to wait until she
explained things to her brother. Michael wasn t due to visit for a few
more days, at least. His schedule was up in the air, and he couldn t tell
her exactly when he d get there.
Remus had gotten angry and practically accused her of not
wanting to be with him forever like he wanted to be with her. She d
finally calmed him down and they d made love, but she could tell a
difference in the way he d held her. It was like he was distancing
himself, readying himself for rejection. Nothing she said or did
seemed to make a difference. He d risen early this morning and left,
saying he had to make sure the arrangements for the picnic were
underway. He was supposed to come back and pick her up around ten
o clock. Sighing, Maddie left the comfort of the warm quilts and
headed off to the bathroom for a hot shower.
By ten o clock Maddie was sitting on the porch swing, waiting
impatiently for Remus to show up. Catching a glimpse of movement
out of the corner of her eye, she stood to get a better look and was
surprised to see Ethan coming across the field toward the cabin. She
waited until he was close to the porch before saying anything.
 Hi, Ethan. I m sorry, but Remus isn t here yet. He should be here
any minute.
Ethan looked momentarily embarrassed and uncomfortable, which
was quite a departure for him. Frowning, he finally looked at her.
 I know, he um, well he, actually, he sent me after you.
Maddie was shocked as he hurried on with his explanation.
 He s really sorry that he couldn t come himself, but this picnic is
a big event for our pack, and his duties as Alpha are keeping him
extra busy today. The Elders are insisting that he be present for
everything, and some of the festivities have already started. He really
is sorry, Maddie.
Ethan seemed to be watching her very carefully, so Maddie did
her best to hide that she was fighting tears.
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Discovering Her Wolfen Heritage 123
Ethan sighed.  I told Remus that sending me to get you was a [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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