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approaching, Colton sniffed the air and had a good look around, saturating the area with the odor of wet dog. Killian could have told him nobody was around, but better safe than sorry. Shaking
his fur energetically took time and Killian waited for him to come closer before finally giving up.
Following the dog led him to a fairly clean cement pad behind a massive pink rose bush, out of sight from every direction except the one he d come from. A flash of white, and the dog
disappeared. A big naked man replaced it, silent as he paid the shift price in pain and suffering, offered up the fee demanded in tears and thorns.
 Killian, he breathed after a moment.
Words abandoned him and he held out an arm instead, fingers beckoning.
Colton slipped into his embrace as if they d been lovers forever. Mindful of the situation, Killian allowed himself to enjoy it only for a moment, silently cursing Bella Luna for giving them so
little time.
 You came, Colton said.  I was kinda hoping you would ve stayed home, stayed safe.
 What is life without the hunt? he replied in typical werewolf fashion.
 A longer one, he answered back.  But I m& pleased to see you.
 I think I missed you.
 Is that so?
Colton laughed softly.  Don t let it go to your head. I ll hate you again later.
 That s good, because I m really pissed at you. I ve spent most of the last few days imagining a great many ways to punish you.
 Just punish?
 Actually, no. More like kill you. But I ve simmered down a bit. I only get mad now when I breathe.
 Then don t breathe. It s time to go. Blondie stepped back out of his arms.  Take off your clothes, he added with a mischievous smile.
 Oh? Want something, do you?
 Might have time for that if you hurry up.
Nothing could make him move faster than that kind of suggestion from that yummy mouth. As the rain fell harder, he stripped, folding all his clothes and belongings into a neat pile. Naked,
he waited as he was stared at, and then grew hard looking at Colton s beautiful naked body.  Come here, he demanded.
 Not here.
 Yes, here. I m waiting, pretty one.
Ah, delicious a whimper of submission. Getting chilled without his fur coat and the rain pelting him, Colton came. Killian didn t feel the weather at all; he was hot. When their bodies
touched, he got hotter, hungrier. It had been far too long since he d tasted that wonderful lush mouth, so he took it hard and fast, rough and eager, tongue demanding everything. Pretty boy gave
himself fully and kissed him back with longing, in need. Their bodies pressed together. Aggressive, Killian pushed against him, demanding more.
Colton began trying to extract himself from his grip, and Killian realized he was pawing him rather violently, hands rough and forceful on rigid but delicate flesh.  Killian! he yelped in
response to the hard shove of his knee up between his legs.
Must stop this!  Damn it! he snapped back.  You drive me crazy. It was very hard releasing that wonderful silky body part and easing up on his restraining hold.
 Put your stuff in the trunk of the car, Colton said.  And come with me.
 Where are we going?
 Some place nice. Warm. Then shifter boy smiled at him, all devilish delight in his eyes.  You ll run with me tonight, wolf to wolf.
Killian liked that devilish grin very much, revealing as it did a side of Colton he d never seen.  You sure of this? I already want to be nasty to you, and you know what shifting to full wolf does
to me.
 A risk I ll have to take.
 I ll take you now. Hard!
 You re so impatient. Put your stuff away, you ll need it later.
No, I won t, he argued silently.  Fine. Walking around stark naked, fully aroused and in the middle of nowhere was particularly odd, somewhat primal, and he kind of liked it. Making the run
quick, he returned to the rose bush just as the rain began to pound them.
 Let s hunt, Colton encouraged with that challenging smile.  Each other. Come get me!
 You little bastard, he said, his words, unfortunately, lost into the shift glow. Danger signals went off in his head, which he ignored to the best of his ability. Gravel and dust rattled and
levitated and got sucked into the vortex, creating something bigger than the mass one human body could produce alone.
Ah, Blondie. It was his inner wolf again, all lustrous golden pelt and luminous yellow-green eyes and big teeth. The sight of that killer wolf, once again, made him shudder before his blood
consumed him and began tearing him apart. The blond wolf lowered itself to the ground, unthreatening, ever watchful. Proud of himself, Killian noted the wolf wore only black ankle socks now.
Whatever the hell this place was, or had been, it was steeped in power. Shifter power too, not werewolf power. The shift ripped and tore his body with malicious glee, delivering a pain he d
never felt before, not even the first time he d transformed. It was bloody awful, a taste of tears and thorns. Stupid shifters. They could keep their nasty pain.
Dark and light they eyed each other in their new forms, took each other s measure once again. Neither found the other lacking. Killian took all his frustration, his anger and his lust into his
wolf when he phased, and it seethed in his blood. Narrowing his crimson eyes at his nemesis, he growled.
Lifting one side of his huge wolf s mouth, Colton snarled back, very nasty too, revealing white, glistening canine teeth, ripping-apart-werewolf-flesh teeth. There was no intent in the reply,
but it whispered of death, nonetheless. Then the great killing machine rose off its haunches and leapt away, agile and swift. One single bound and he was gone.
The chase was on! Oh how he d dreamt of such a chase! Killian s blood sang with thrill, with delight, with power. Sleek and supple, his body obeyed every command and every wish as
soon as it formed in his head. Powerful muscles propelled him forward, mighty as a killer wind raging, while his nose effortlessly captured scent molecules from the air and led him unerringly to
his quarry. Bella Luna whispered in his ear, called his name and, for the first time ever, Killian Frost hunted.
Such a hunt it was! And his reward at the end would be sweet flesh. Not to kill, not to rip and tear, but his prey would wind up in his mouth all the same. His werewolf blood lusted; it knew
what it hunted and what it wanted most.
Unfortunately, the great, tawny wolf would not be caught, not until it wanted to be. It was beyond swift a speeding bullet. Faster than a bullet, seemingly carried along on an invisible wind, a
thing with magic feet racing over field and gully and bush without ever touching the ground. Colton was impossibly beautiful, utterly magnificent. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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