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about how to get their  exotic pet Charlie released. All the other
DNR offices had said the same thing. Ben was playing by the
book. Unfortunately, this book s story ended with Charlie fighting
fleas and ticks for the rest of his life.
Duncan wasn t about to let that happen.  Stop fucking
around. We don t have time for this shit.
 I know, it s already three and the office closes in two hours.
I just think that you need to figure out your priorities before we
pick up Charlie.
 It s none of your business, Duncan argued.
 Like hell it isn t. You re in love with him, and we all
happen to fuck. I don t want you confusing your concern over his
current situation with anything other than what it is. You love
 Whatever. Duncan had no desire to say it out loud. Not to
anyone that wasn t Charlie, at least. He agreed that certain realities
had become apparent about his feelings for Charlie since his
capture, but that didn t mean Gibbs needed to hear about it first.
Gibbs sighed.  Fine. Let s go.
A large white truck came to a stop in front of Gibbs and
Duncan. It only took a moment for Duncan to recognize Ben and
 Sweet baby Jesus in a manger, Duncan breathed.
His chest stuttered on an inhale. His throat burned. Duncan
pushed passed Gibbs, reaching the passenger side door as Charlie
stepped out of the truck. Duncan grabbed him by the shoulders.
 God, I missed your ugly mug.
 Fuck you, too, Charlie said grinning.
Overwhelmed, Duncan had no words for what he was
feeling. He stared at his hands stupidly still gripping Charlie s
shoulders, unable to let him go, unable to pull him closer.
Charlie s lips quirked.  Dude, I was gone, like, a night.
Suddenly the damn of words broke.  You stupid idiot! Gibbs
warned you about the trap and you hopped right into it anyway!
You have to listen!
Charlie started laughing.  And you need to live a little. It all
turned out fine.
 By getting collared and trapped?
 Spontaneity, moron, Charlie s tone had softened, taking
the sting out of the insult.  Like this.
Charlie hooked his hand behind Duncan s neck and dragged
him closer.  I missed you, too, he whispered just before their lips
Duncan s ears rang. As if playing a part in one of Duncan s
many dreams, Charlie captured his lips, broke, and reclaimed them
with a hungry groan.
Duncan s hands seemed to regain some life. His arms
wrapped around him, holding on, afraid it would be over too soon,
or worse, just a fantasy where it only seemed like Charlie missed
him most.
Holding him closer made the moment blissfully real.
Charlie s lean body lined his, leaving no room for Duncan to
second-guess himself.
 You think they re happy to see each other? Ben s voice
carried to them.
 You have no idea how close they came to losing each other
before ever admitting how they actually feel about each other,
Gibbs said.
Duncan tuned them out, fighting the tears that threatened to
I ve been so stupid.
Pride had kept him silent. Charlie drove him crazy in so
many ways. He challenged Duncan, baited him, taunted him,
teased him, and never ever left his mind for even a moment.
The truth of Ben s words sank in, bringing truth to everything
Duncan was feeling. Maybe Charlie was right. Maybe he needed to
leap first sometimes.
Duncan cupped his face, holding Charlie in a deep kiss. Their
tongues rubbed against each other. Charlie suckled Duncan s
tongue, bringing to mind the other things Charlie was good at
Duncan pulled away.  Don t ever get caught again.
 I knew you d come for me, Charlie answered with a
cheeky grin.
 Don t worry. Now that I know, he s safe from the local
DNR, Ben told them.
 But not from hunters, Duncan argued.
 Maybe it s time we called the annual race quits? Gibbs
 I like the race. It s the one thing I m good at, Charlie
complained.  Even if I always lose.
 No, it s not, Duncan winked at him.  I like chasing your
tail, but we could confine it to the bedroom.
Charlie frowned.  You might be the only guy I want all the
time, but you aren t the only guy I want.
Gibbs snuck in for a hug.  I m glad you re back, and safe,
buddy. I think this calls for a celebration dinner.
 To snub the new moon for not catching me this time,
Charlie agreed joyfully.
 For reminding us all what we nearly lost, Duncan added.
 Of what I nearly lost. He pulled Charlie closer to him, pressing a
tender kiss to his lips.
 I love you, too, Charlie replied, answering Duncan's
unspoken admission.
 Celebrate with us? Gibbs asked Ben.
Ben nodded.  As long as it s not a shifters only party, he
joked.  I d be wearing the wrong outfit for that.
 Trust me. Everything you need to come to this party, you
already have, Gibbs said with a warm smile.
* * * *
Ben lifted his glass with the others.
 Here s to the Hare Moon, Charlie said.
 Cheers! they responded in unison.
Ben smiled curiously as he watched the men over the rim of
his wine glass. They were beautiful, each of them. He still wasn t
certain why they had included him on the festivities that evening,
but he did know he was exactly where he wanted to be.
Yesterday evening, on his porch, he d played devil s
advocate with Duncan, pretending he didn t believe that Gibbs
kiss had been more than a seduction attempt. But he had known,
because Gibbs had held nothing back. Just like Ben had been
unable to do less than commit himself to the awakening of
something potentially awesome between them.
Gibbs, Duncan, and Charlie really were a package deal, it
seemed. They finished each other s sentences, set each other up for
jokes, and lovingly took the jesting that they all seemed a part of.
What was more incredible, they had already accepted Ben as part
of the group. So fast, possibly too fast. He wasn t sure. He
supposed he d have to see how things went.
He liked Gibbs. A lot. He definitely hadn t been loved the
way Gibbs had loved him that night a year ago, with such depth.
Duncan and Charlie teased and flirted with Ben too. Could Ben
really become one of them? Even though he didn t share their gift
of shifting?
He sipped his wine, then smiling up at the moon of honor, he
contemplated the bright yellow orb and the men laughing nearby.
Gibbs walked over to stand behind Ben s chair. He tenderly
ran his fingers through Ben s hair and Ben looked into his eyes,
upside down.
 Hi, Ben said.
 Hi, Gibbs answered, a small smile on his lips.  I m glad
you re here tonight.
 Me too.
Gibbs leaned over and kissed him. The unfamiliar positioning
made Ben smile against Gibbs lips, but he opened for him,
rubbing his tongue against Gibbs . Ben flickered the tip against the
roof of Gibbs mouth. But the contact wasn t good enough, sweet
enough for what Ben wanted. He hooked his fingers around Gibbs
biceps and tugged him around to sit on Ben s lap. Once he had
Gibbs where he wanted him, Ben linked his arms around his waist
and settled in for a hungry exploration of Gibbs mouth.
He wanted so much more than a kiss. Ben undid a button on
Gibbs shirt, sliding his hand inside for a surreptitious feel. Smooth
skin met his questing fingers, and he couldn t help but spread his
fingers wide, to touch as much of Gibbs chest as he could.
Gibbs laid his hand over Ben s hand, the fabric trapped
between them. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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