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about trying to find JJ another ranch closer to a big city.
 Yep, Eric said with a dopey lovesick smile.  If I can t get a transfer, I ll quit and find
something else in Austin.
 I m still not used to seeing you with a dude, Josh grumbled.
 Get over it, bro.
JJ walked into the room and wrapped his arms around Eric.  Morning, he said to the
rest of the room.
It seemed Sidney s moment of solitude was over for the day.
* * * *
At eight, Sidney carried a cup of decaffeinated coffee into the bedroom and set it on the
table. He took off his clothes and squirted lube onto his fingers. Bending over, Sidney quickly
stretched his ass while Nash still lay sleeping.
It wasn t that he didn t love Nash taking the time to tease and play with his hole, but he
still had a million things to do before guests started to arrive. After preparing himself, he slid
FALL Carol Lynne
under the covers and pressed his body against Nash, trying to soak up as much of the man s
warmth as he could.
 Mmmm, Nash moaned and pulled Sidney closer.  You re cold.
 I ve been up for the last three hours, sleepy head.
Nash finally opened his eyes and stared at Sidney. His hand drifted to Sidney s bare
ass.  So what re you doing back in bed?
 Trying to steal a few minutes with the man I love before the craziness begins. Sidney
kissed the underside of Nash s stubbled chin.
 I like the sound of that. Nash lifted Sidney s leg to drape over his hip, opening
Sidney s ass cheeks enough to touch him.
Nash s fingers travelled immediately to Sidney s lubed hole.  Someone s awfully
presumptuous this morning, Nash commented, pushing a finger inside.
 I can leave if you want me to? Sidney teased. He moved his hips back and forth,
fucking himself on Nash s finger.
 Not on your life. Nash tilted Sidney s chin up for a kiss. It was lazy at first, Nash s
lips still puffy with sleep, but soon the passion that had always been between them ignited
and the kiss became carnal.
Nash bathed Sidney s lips and face with his tongue as he rolled them over, sliding on
top. Sidney s hands travelled from Nash s still-thick hair down his back to his butt. He
squeezed the muscled cheeks and groaned.
Although Nash had been forced to give up his extreme exercise programme, he d been
able to find alternatives. He now jogged on the treadmill for twenty minutes each morning
before moving on to a twenty minute training exercise using resistance bands instead of
actual weights. The routine activity had been enough to keep Nash s body in the shape he d
fought so hard to achieve.
Nash reached to the bedside table and grabbed the lube. After slicking his cock, he
placed the tip at Sidney s hole.  Ready?
 I was ready when I got into bed, Sidney reminded him.
 I haven t forgotten. I just didn t know if you were looking for more foreplay before I
shoved my dick inside you.
 Not unless you want to put me way behind schedule.
Nash eased his way inside.  You re so romantic.
FALL Carol Lynne
 My thoughts are romantic. It s just my body that resembles a whore. Sidney sucked in
a breath as Nash thrust in to the hilt.
Nash moaned and ground against Sidney.  I like  em both. Right now I m really fond of
the whore.
Wrapping his legs around Nash s waist, Sidney pulled him down for a kiss. He
thoroughly explored the interior of Nash s mouth. After years together, they d long ago
overcome the morning breath issue.
Nash withdrew before thrusting back inside, sending Sidney s body into euphoria.
 Fuck me, Sidney begged. He dug his short nails into Nash s back as Nash s big cock
pistoned in and out of him at a blurring speed. It felt so good that Sidney was having trouble
catching a breath.
Nash slowed his rhythm.  You okay? This old man too much for you this morning?
Sidney narrowed his eyes.  So good, Sidney panted.  More.
With a deep groan, Nash worked Sidney s ass twice as fast. He continued to stare down
at Sidney with a cross between a smile and a grimace on his face. Sidney hoped the odd
expression was out of pleasure and not pain, but he d learned after Nash was released from
the hospital not to question his partner during sex.
The first time he had verbalised his worry that Nash was overexerting himself, Nash
had withdrawn and stormed out of the room. Later Sidney had received an earful from Nash
on how he didn t want to spend the rest of his life afraid to fuck the way he wanted. He d
told Sidney in no uncertain terms that if he had another attack, he only prayed it was while
driving deep and hard inside Sidney and not in the damn refrigerated section of the grocery
store. Since then, Sidney had accepted everything Nash gave him with a smile.
Sidney s mouth opened wide as he cried out his release. Nash surprised him by tickling
the roof of Sidney s mouth with his tongue. The two sensations worked off each other to
make his climax more powerful. His body jerked with the intensity of his pleasure.
Nash continued his arduous rhythm for several moments before succumbing to his own
fulfilment. With a contented sigh, he collapsed on top of Sidney with his cock still buried
Sidney played with Nash s sweaty hair as his partner s laboured breathing slowly
returned to normal.
 Wow, Nash said.
FALL Carol Lynne
 Yeah, Sidney agreed.
* * * *
Once again, Nash and Butch were on table duty. There would be a slightly smaller
group for Thanksgiving dinner, so the set-up was a breeze.
Peter and Bobbi were due to be picked up from the airport just before dinner, after a
short trip to visit Bobbi s parents in New York.
 So what s up with having the brunch tomorrow at the Crystal Palace? Butch asked,
handing one side of the plastic tablecloth to Nash.
 Sidney decided to spring for a caterer instead of making brunch himself. Nash
shrugged.  Truthfully, I think he s just trying to go easy on me this year.
 Good for him. Butch settled the tablecloth and tried to smooth out a few wrinkles.
 It s not like the two of you don t have the money, so why bust your asses when you don t
have to.
Nash had made up everything he d lost a year ago and had almost doubled their
savings in the process. God bless the dot coms. After he d returned from the hospital, he d had
a long talk with Peter about the stress involved in the volatile market. Peter had suggested
Nash just sit back and give his investments time to stabilise and to only stick with the
companies he truly believed in. The outcome had been incredible. Nash currently worked [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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