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annals - chronological record of the events toehold - slight advantage
implore - to beg for earnestly void - emptiness
fortuitous - fortunate specter - ghost
invective - abusive language destitute - lacking necessary things
rue - feel regret implored - begged
avarice - greed Vocabulary Exercises 124
trappings - articles of dress blemish - physical defect
Vocabulary Exercises 122 misanthrope - someone who does not like people
condescend - lower oneself ponderous - unyielding
drivel - talk childishly trifle - something of little value
disseminate - to spread wrench - twist or pull
covetous - greedy acute - sharp and quick
solemnize - honor or remember conceive - develop in the mind
bestow - give dissimulation - act of hiding
dismal - gloomy and dark profound - marked by intellectual depth
resolute - determined sagacity - intelligence
endeavor - to try stifle - hold back
insomniac - person who is unable to sleep Vocabulary Exercises 127
deliquesce - melt away supposition - assumption
homage - anything done to show honor stalk - approach an stealthily
compulsion - feeling of having to do something vex - trouble
Vocabulary Exercises 125 suavity - graceful politeness
wizened - old audacity - aggressive courage
preserve - maintain vehemently - violently
astonish - surprise derision - contempt or ridicule
confidentially - secretly anxiety - extreme nervousness
seethe - bubble or boil crevice - crack or narrow hole
consequence - result of an action fluently - clearly
vacant - not occupied hearkening - listening carefully
wane - to become less hypocritical - pretending
repent - feel sorry for mockery - mean spirited joking
subcontinent - large landmass proceeded - went forward
jute - plant fiber used in making rope pulsation - rhythmic beating
teak - tropical wood used in furniture Vocabulary Exercises 128
beleaguer - beset with difficulties refrained - kept from doing something
Vocabulary Exercises 126 conceive - develop in the mind
spasmodically - abruptly trait - characteristic
ascetic - very self-disciplined person genetics - study of heredity
fanatic - zealot heredity - passing of traits to offspring
draught - long spell of dry weather genes - specific portion of DNA
ruse - trick dominant - stronger
remorse - torturing sense of guilt hue - color
concussion - shock from impact province - territorial district
surmount - overcome an obstacle
obsequious - servile and flattering
termagant - quarrelsome
impunity - freedom from punishment
aversion - definite dislike
frolic - lively recreation
Vocabulary Exercises 129
pestilent - very harmful
disposition - temperament
incessantly - never stopping
eloquence - polished speech
tranquility - calmness
reciprocate - to return
fancy - whimsical imagination
transient - temporary
azure - blue colored
countenance - facial expression
addle - to make confused
bewilderment - hopelessly confused
comely - attractive
corroborate - support
Vocabulary Exercises 130
beleaguer - beset with difficulties
invalid - sickly person
thicket - thick growth of plants
sanction - permit
incredulous - skeptical
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