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She needed to know what was happening to her, had to know that
what she was about to experience as a lycan would change her life
forever.  Tabitha, there is so much I want to share with you, but I m
afraid now might not be the best of times.
Her body trembled as she closed her eyes. One final tear slid
down her pale cheek as sleep won over. She was no longer responding
84 Morgan Fox
to the heat of his touch or the comfort of his voice, so he wrapped her
shivering body into the warmth of the blankets, securely tucking her
Ryken had disappeared outside, scanning the layout around them,
securing the perimeter for the night. There were only a handful of
hours left before sunrise, but a few hours of rest were better than
Luken turned off the light beside the bed, kissed her forehead, and
vanished into the bathroom. He was desperate for a shower. Blood
stained his hands and neck. The fear that blazed inside Tabitha started
because of the men who had attacked them on the train. Watching
Ryken slice through the neck of the assailant had to have been the
reason for her mental breakdown. The blood spatter alone was enough
to shock and horrify the most battle-trained beings. Not to ignore the
little-known fact that her once fragile body was now being ravaged by
an aggressive lycan DNA.
When she finally came fully around, he didn t want her staring at
his blood-soaked clothing. He did not want her to remember what
they had done to escape the situation. It was horrible enough that she
had been present to begin with, that they had allowed her to be
manhandled by Mason Levi s men.
His need to protect her was fierce as was his need to make love to
her. Some men waited a lifetime to find their mates, the one truly
meant to soothe the beast inside. He had to figure out a way to make
things right with her, had to find a way to convince her that they were
meant for each other.
Holding Tabitha in his arms had never felt so right. She was a
perfect fit for him and he would do anything for her to see that.
Except one thing he didn t think he could destroy the bond with his
brother just for the affections and love of a woman. No matter how
much he wanted Tabitha. No matter how much it would destroy him
to lose her.
Enticed by the Moon 85
Luken needed to talk with Ryken, needed to figure out what they
were going to do about their little love triangle. Ryken always had a
plan, and maybe they would be lucky enough for him to have one
* * * *
The squeaking of the shower faucet and the pounding of water
against the wall of tile in the bathroom yanked her out of the trance
she had somehow been submerged in. She could hear the water
banging against the tub. Inhaling a lungful of air, she caught Luken s
scent. Ryken was not in the room. Freeing herself of the tight confines
of the blanket, she tossed the covers to the side and sprung off the
bed. She snaked the cell phone off the nightstand and tiptoed to the
door with a purpose, quietly opening the door and exiting the room.
She stumbled, arms pumping like pistons. Her legs were on fire.
She ran in the direction of the woods. She had to get away from them
so she could finally have a moment to herself to think. Her first
thought was that she had to speak with Brie, and above all things, she
had to know that the strange situations she had been experiencing
were not some figment of her imagination, and that she could truly
trust the men accompanying her. She wanted to believe that, more
than anything, but trusting and believing in the brothers was nearly
impossible after what she had witnessed with them a night filled
with passion and blood was not exactly the lasting impression she had
hoped for.
She had run as far as she could before feeling the first wave of
nausea twist in her gut, and she abruptly stopped to catch her breath,
leaning over, hands resting on her knees. She felt the bulge of the
phone in her pocket and grabbed it. Opening the phone, she
discovered that the last name dialed belonged to Sebastian McCarthy.
That was the name Brie had given her the other day. McCarthy was
soon to be her married name.
86 Morgan Fox
Her fingers quivered as she dialed the number. A brusque,
commanding voice charged through the phone.  You two get out
 Who is this? Tabitha demanded with as much gusto as she could
muster.  Where s Brie?
 Tabitha? the thunderous voice asked.  Tabitha Burns?
Surprised to hear him say her name, she squeezed the phone
tighter and questioned,  How do you know me?
 My name is Sebastian McCarthy. Brie is my fiancée.
Her gut knotted. Panic assailed her.  Where is she? I need to
speak with her.
 Tabitha, is something wrong? he asked, his voice oozing with
concern. She didn t want his concern. She wanted to speak to her best
friend, and she wanted to do it now.
Heart pounding, her words charged from her mouth with strong
inflection.  Damn, dude, are you deaf? I said I wanted to speak with
Brie, not you. Now get her on the damn phone before I get really
pissed off.
Sucking in a gulp of air, Tabitha waited as the line went silent. As
she listened, she heard rustling in the background. Brie s voice was
faint, but recognizable. She was there. Tabitha s heart beat faster with
 Tabitha, what s wrong? Brie s voice eased through the panic
filling her head even though there was a tone of worry woven in her
 Oh, God, Brie, please help me. What s going on? What s
happening to me?
 Calm down, honey. Tell me what happened. Are Ryken and
Luken with you?
Sobbing, Tabitha took a seat on a log nearby. She wheezed,  No,
I ve run away.
 You what? Brie all but screamed the words into the phone.
 Tabitha, you re in danger. Mason Levi s men are tracking you to get
Enticed by the Moon 87
to me. You must return to Ryken and Luken. They re there to protect
you. I should have told you sooner, but I was afraid you d freak out
and not come to McCarthy Ranch. I couldn t take the chance that you
would come willingly, especially when I shocked you with my sudden
news. Sending Ryken and Luken was truly our only option to ensure
that you were kept safe.
Sniffling, Tabitha sat down on a stump.  Oh, I believe you. She
paused, sucking in a deep, calming breath.  We were attacked on the
train. Two very large, very strange men tried to kidnap me, which
seems odd to me now considering that s what I thought Ryken and
Luken were trying to do.
Brie sighed, explaining,  No, honey, Ryken and Luken are friends
of mine. They re my fiancé s cousins.
A forced giggle rasped through her sobs.  Well, then I m sure
you ll find it amusing that I was not only attacked by two goons, but I
stupidly slept with both Ryken and Luken.
 You what? Both of them? Never in her life had Tabitha heard
Brie sound so astounded as if she couldn t believe Tabitha capable of
having sex with one guy, let alone two. The cool, smooth-talking Brie [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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