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Lumoria, better known as Sea.
You have accomplished of feat that few in the world of Vana diel have ever dreamed of.
Enjoy the placid blue waters of Lumoria, the unique mobs and the exotic scenery.
However, the road does not end here, this is just the beginning of a new area and there is
plenty to explore! Take some game time to wander the area with your CoP group and get
a feel for the new monsters and NPC s.
On a side note, the area of Lumoria is not for the lower level player character. Almost all
monsters in these areas will be Decent Challege to Incredibly Tough for a Level 75
character. If you have completed CoP below Level 70, it is highly recommended that you
bring a larger group to explore, or Level up quickly so you may adventure in this terrain on
your own.
9.1. Al Taieu Monsters
Below is a list of monsters you will encounter around Al Taieu, along with some of their
Quasilumin: NPC beings that provide you information.
Aern: Winged-like monsters that have multiple jobs. These monsters do
not aggro players, but will link. All have Two-Hour abilities.
Hpemde: Sea like creatures that float above the water and follow players
around. These monsters do not aggro players, but will retaliate if a player inflicts
damage. Hpemde have the ability to sleep as well as Berserk.
Zxomit: Sea like creatures that move quickly over the surface of the water.
These monsters do not aggro, but travel in small groups. Be careful when
engaging Zxomit, you will attract the attention of its companions.
Phuabo: These creatures resemble a manta ray and reside under the water.
However, Phuabo are one of the few monsters that will aggro players. Phuabo are
True Sight monsters and will rise out of the water to attack players. They have
relatively low HP but a variety of AoE ailments. Be careful of these, they can be
Yovra: One thing about Lumoria you must know is to keep your eyes
looking up AND down. While Phuabo will aggro you from below, the Yovra AKA
UFO mobs float very high in the sky and are the most dangerous of all the mobs in
the area. If you happen to travel underneath a Yovra it will quickly drop down to
FFXI Chains of Promathia Mission Guide
the surface and fight you and your group. Yovra resemble Hyper-Notorious
Monsters (HNM) and have high HP and hit very hard. Yovra have AoE Elemental
spells, Bind and Gravity in addition to a move that will strip player characters of all
equipment (players will not lose equipment, but will be dequipped). While this is
very humorous, it is also very very dangerous. So be prepared to put your
equipment back on in a snap.
*Author s Note: To obtain a map of Al Taieu, speak to all the Quasilumin NPC s in the
area. There are 20 total.
9.2. Not quite the end of the Road..
Although you now have access to Sea there are a few things still going on in the storyline
that need to be completed. So take your group through Al Taieu to position (H-11) for a
Mission Title Change: Garden of Antiquity
Now you must investigate each of the towers in Al Taieu. Travel to (H-13), (D-10) and (L-
10) to spawn a trio of Aern at each (a total of nine). The Aern have specific jobs, so take
care and watch for Two-Hour abilities. The best strategy is to have a Black Mage cast
Sleepga 2 and to take down the Aern one at a time.
Once you have defeated the Aern at all three towers, travel back to the Crystalline Field at
(H-11) to gain access to The Grand Palace of Hu Xzoi. Head directly north after you enter
and check the Gate of the Gods to receive a very useful item.
Key item obtained: Tavnazian Ring; Level 60 Effect-Teleport to Tavnazia every 24
9.3. The Grand Palace of Hu Xzoi Monsters
Below is a list of monsters you will encounter in the Grand Palace of Hu Xzoi. These are
completely different than the Al Taieu mobs:
Grah: Ball-like creatures that shapeshift into birds, spiders or humanoids.
These do not aggro while in ball form and but are True Sound in monster form.
Move quickly and carefully around these mobs during ball form. All Grah have
an elemental strength, and you can see the color of its element. Grah have
dangerous AoE Elemental and Enfeebling spells so be very careful.
Euvhri: Flower type creatures that open and close. While open, these
creatures are aggressive. While closed, they do not aggro. Like the Grah, be
careful when traveling by them, and also aggro resting players.
FFXI Chains of Promathia Mission Guide
Zdei: These resemble Magic Pots but thinner, so more vase-like. These
are particularly dangerous because it takes some finesse to navigate past them.
All Zdei have a large eye and small eye on each side of them, and spin at
random speeds. If the large eye sees a player, it will aggro, however, if you
walk by while the small eye is upon you, it will not notice. The Zdei make the
Grand Palace of Hu Xzoi a very dangerous place if traveling alone.
There is one more area not discussed yet and you must participate in a mission inside the
Grand Palace of Hu Xzoi to gain access. To being the mission, head to position (J-8) and
speak to the Quasilumin. This is an escort quest and you must keep the Quasilumin
patrols alive in order to complete it.
Mission Title Change: A Fate Decided
Escort the Quasilumin to its desitination and take the teleporter at ((L-9). Escort the next
Quasilumin Patrol at (M-8) to the its destination (I-8) and head to (H-7) and check the
Particle Gate to spawn an NM.
The NM name is Ix Grah and resembles the Grah type mobs. Check for its element
before casting magical attacks. It can transform to any form of Bird, Spider or Humanoid.
After defeating the NM, check the Particle Gate again and access to the Garden of
Ru Hmet.
Congratulations! You now have access to all three areas of Lumoria.
9.4. The End is Near...
While this mission portion has served to provide you and your CoP group information in
completing CoP, it will not give you the ending. You are very close to completing the
expansion, but you must fight a few more things. It is up to you to explore the areas and
investigate further into the storyline.
Speak to the NPC s in all three areas of Lumoria to find out the whereabouts of your [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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