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We know from the book of Genesis that mans rebellion began many millions of years after
he first walked the Earth (as  thought-forms , ref.  Planetary Awareness Technique Ch 7 &
Cayce reading 364-3#5, dated 16 Feb 1932), which presently was  only some 200,000 tropi-
cal years BPE. And because we know the Revelation is entirely about Jesus Christ, i.e. the
genuine salvation of man from his fallen Adamic nature back toward the Godhead, then we
can be sure that this WAR of ten sidereal years began with Autumn & Evening who were cre-
ated in the image and likeness of the Gods, and so were in spiritual rebellion at first, then of
the mind and body.
This is a beautiful statement that  the dragon is standing in front of the woman& that as
soon as to be born the son of hers him to devour . Alas, the horoscope! God s will is incarnate
in Jesus Christ. Not foisted upon him, rather is by his God-given freewill to live in harmony
with the same. No longer can we treat our own family like our own, but as the sons and
daughters of the most high! Will life ever be the same? Let us pray that it won t. Let s pray in
Min s Concise Commentary
earnest. Now we know how John the Baptist felt at Jesus baptism on the river Jordan. Who
Jesus is, he s inside everyone of us, yet it s not enough to know this (see James 2:17-24).
The lowly prophet Edgar Cayce frequently harped on the subject of Will over ones astro-
logically-inherent subjugation to the planetary cards that we re dealt in accordance with our
karma & destiny. No, not blatantly opposed, but rather subtly differentiated. Very near to-
gether. Nearly together in both purpose and substance. But WILL alone dictates the variance.
Ones willingness to put faith in Jesus Christ is not so much to ask, but is the quality, the pu-
rity of will as a matter of ones conscientiousness that makes the grade. Meaning, our personal
actions testify to our faith in .
Numerologically, the number 42 is 6 x 7, Jupiter by Saturn, and is also 4 + 2 = 6, the num-
ber of Jupiter. In the Greek lots or Arabic parts, the angular relationship between the two larg-
est of the jovian giants refers to Siblings by the astrological equation Asc - Sat + Jup(N), Death
of Parents Asc - Sat + Jup(Y), and Children & Life Asc - Jup + Sat(Y). The youngest progeny of
the elder Titan Saturn, is Jupiter. Keep in mind who Saturn is, Kronos, Father Time. While his
son Jupiter is Zeus, Emperor & Father of the Olympian Gods. Remember also that the Titans
& the Olympians are like two sharply contrasting, vehemently opposing viewpoints by the
very same ten planets! I ve covered this in detail already. Suffice to say that the LORD giveth &
the LORD taketh away.
While 42 months is the midst of the week, 84 months is the consummation of the sabbatic
year, which is 7 x 12 meaning 2 x 7 x 6 = 84. Also, 8 + 4 = 12, thus 1 + 2 = 3, which is the
number of Venus, the triune number of man, the trinity- incarnate, as soul, mind & body,
which together is the temple of the living God: The Father, Son & Holy Ghost, which is Crea-
tor, Sustainer & Destroyer respectively. Jesus said:
 He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not
with me scattereth abroad. Wherefore I say unto you, All man-
ner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the
blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto
men. And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it
shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy
Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither
in the world to come.  Matthew 12:30-32 AV
The holy destroyer, the avenging angel as the apostle Paul quotes from Deuteronomy 32:35
in his epistle toward Romans 12:19, one of the most famous quotes from the bible to wit
 Vengeance is mine; I shall repay, saith the Lord . Jerome translates this Greek word
as  retribuam , meaning to re-tribute, or to make retribution. Is it any wonder then
that Saturn exalts in the balance of Justice? Perhaps the title Holy Ghost is more apropos than
Chapter 12
fans of the King James version realize. Sanctified like Mnemosyne, Earth s memory of events
from the largest to the tiniest, the akasic records. Where the myriad injustices of sinners re-
quires resolution.
Thus Shaitan is  projected , thrown, along with his angels  dismissed to be into the Earth.
This is good news& even the gospel of Christ crucified to the brethren of humanity. In the day
means consciousness, life in the body. Night is subconscious in the body & superconscious in
the soul. Our accuser is righteousness, not our enemy, but our adversary.
Now I know what the akasha is, the superimposition of life upon the intelligence of its
immediate, proximate environs.
Because Judeo-Xianity is so strongly rooted in the ancient Hebrew-Egyptian mindset of the
scholarly priest, Ra-Moses, then the central theme of the Adamic fall from the bite of the ser- [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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