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the Dirty War; and María José Guembe, Center for Legal and Social the Parallel History Project on NATO and the Warsaw Pact, the
Studies (CELS). The conference proceedings have been published CWIHP Korea Initiative, the London School of Economics Cold
as Argentina-United States Bilateral Relations: An Historical Per- War Studies Program and the University of Virginia s Miller Center
and History Department.
Table of Contents
New Evidence on North Korea
Introduction By Kathryn Weathersby .......................................................................................................... p. 5
Sino-North Korean Conflict and its Resolution during the Korean War By Shen Zhihua ................................. p. 9
Weathering the Sino-Soviet Conflict: The GDR and North Korea, 1949-1989 By Bernd Schäfer ...................... p. 25
 You Have No Political Line of Your Own: Kim Il Sung and the Soviets, 1953-1964 By Balázs Szalontai ......p. 87
New Evidence on the Soviet War in Afghanistan
Introduction By Christian F. Ostermann .................................................................................................. p. 139
Gorbachev and Afghanistan Edited and Annotated By Christian F. Ostermann ............................................... p. 143
KGB Active Measures in Southwest Asia in 1980-82 By Vasily Mitrokhin ................................................... p. 193
Why Was There No  Second Cold War in Europe? Hungary and the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan in 1979:
Documents from the Hungarian Archives By Csaba Békés ........................................................... p. 204
Czechoslovakia and the War in Afghanistan, 1979-1989 By Oldrich Tuma ................................................... p. 220
More East-Bloc Sources on Afghanistan ................................................................................................ p. 232
Ukraine and the Soviet-Czechoslovak Crisis of 1968 (Part 2):
New Evidence from the Ukrainian Archives Compiled, Introduced, Translated,
and Annotated By Mark Kramer ................................................................................................. p. 273
New Evidence on Cold War Crises
Russian Documents on the Korean War: 1950-53 Introduction by James G. Hershberg
and translations by Vladislav Zubok ............................................................................................. p. 369
Tactical Nuclear Weapons in Cuba: New Evidence By Svetlana Savaranskaya .............................................. p. 385
Conference Reports, Research Notes and Archive Updates
Cold War in the Caucasus: Notes and Documents from a Conference
By Svetlana Savranskaya and Vladislav Zubok ............................................................................... p. 399
A Cold War Odyssey: The Oswald Files By Max Holland ......................................................................... p. 410
Mongolian Archives By Sergey Radchenko ............................................................................................... p. 419
Todor Zhivkov and the Cold War: Revelations from His Personal Papers ................................................... p. 421
New Central and East European Evidence on the Cold War in Asia ByYvette Chin, Gregory Domber,
Malgorzata Gnoniska and Mircea Munteanu .................................................................................. p. 440
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