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-  Do people think that searching for new galaxies is a fascinating occupation? Some people
- ... claim...
- Some people claim that searching for new galaxies is the most fascinating occupation.
-  Do you think disarmament is a step towards maintaining peace on Earth? As far as I m
- ... concerned...
- As far as I m concerned disarmament is the first step towards maintaining peace on Earth.
-  Do many people believe that the EU is a ready source of financial support? It is popularly
- ... believed...
- It is popularly believed that the EU is a ready source of financial support.
-  Do people think that freedom of speech and religion are basic human rights? Many people
- ... point out...
- Many people point out that freedom of speech and religion are basic human rights.
-  Do you think the main role of the EU is to mitigate conflicts? To my way of
- ... thinking...
- To my way of thinking the basic role of the EU is to mitigate conflicts.
Lesson 12 Modern Media
1. The Internet 56
Listen and repeat the expressions.
rzeczywistość wirtualna virtual reality kamery internetowe webcams
dostęp do Internetu Internet access połączenie przez modema dial-up connection
sieć a network stałe łącze a broadband connection
modem a modem oprogramowanie antywirusowe
ograniczony zasięg a limited scope anti-virus software
połączenie internetowe a net connection szukać w Internecie to surf the net
połączony online ściągać na komputer to download
niepołączony offline umieszczać na stronie to upload
bezprzewodowy wireless łączyć to link
hasło a password u\ywać filtra na niechcianą pocztę
wyszukiwarka a search engine to screen out spam
przeglądarka a browser usuwać niechciane maile
zabezpieczenia security to delete junk e-mails
serwer a server wracać (o niechcianych mailach)
strona a website to bounce back
strona główna a homepage zarejestrować się to subscribe
konto pocztowe an e-mail account włamać się do komputera to hack into
podpis elektroniczny a digital signature a computer
2. Surfing the net 57
Give advice on the following problems using the given expressions.
-  My spam keeps bouncing back. A good idea would
- & be&
- A good idea would be to start screening out your spam.
-  I don t have access to the Internet at home. If I were you&
- &
- If I were you I would visit the Internet cafe.
-  I have a dial-up connection and I pay a lot monthly. Why don t you& ?
- &
- Why don t you install broadband?
-  I m afraid someone will hack into our company computer one day. It would be advisable
- & to&
- It would be advisable to invest in better security.
-  I panic whenever my computer crashes. My advice is&
- &
- My advice is to stay calm and restart the computer.
-  Since my boyfriend left, our only contact has been through e-mails. Haven t you thought
- & of& ?
- Haven t you thought of installing skype?
-  I m almost certain someone occasionally reads my mail. The only solution is&
- &
- The only solution is to change your password.
3. Advertising 58
Listen and repeat the expressions.
ogłoszenie an ad, an advert, reklama podprogow asubliminal
an advertisement advertising
ogłoszenie drobne a classified ad telesprzeda\ telesales, telemarketing
reklama w Internecie a web banner nazwa firmowa towaru a brand name
artykuł reklamowy an advertorial logo sponsora a sponsor s logo
agencja reklamowa an advertising agency reklama radiowa lub telewizyjna
reklamodawca an advertiser a commercial
akwizytor a sales rep ulotka a leaflet
adresat reklamy a target ulotka reklamowa a flier
kampania reklamowa an advertising wkładka reklamowa an insert
campaign kampania promocyjna promotional
długoterminowa kampania a long-term campaign
campaign zwiększać sprzeda\ to boost sales
wpływ reklamy the impact of zwiększać zapotrzebowanie to increase
advertising demand
reklamować to advertise
4. The press 59
Listen and repeat the expressions.
brukowiec a tabloid, the gutter podpis pod zdjęciem a caption
press artykuł a feature, a story
ambitna prasa a broadsheet, artykuł wprowadzający an editorial
a quality newspaper dział a section
dziennikarz a journalist recenzja a review
fotoreporter a photojournalist wywiad an interview
redaktor naczelny an editor relacja a coverage
dziennik a daily wyłączna relacja an exclusive
tygodnik a weekly rubryka a column
dwutygodnik a biweekly nekrolog an obituary
miesięcznik a monthly porady dla czytelników an agony column
kwartalnik a quarterly osoba udzielająca porad an agony aunt
numer an issue wkładka a pull-out
stary numer a back issue rozkładówka a centre-spread
czasopismo a magazine, repertuar kin / repertuar teatrów
a journal cinema listings /
gazeta a newspaper, a paper theatre listings
biuletyn a newsletter prenumerata a subscription [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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