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Leaving was about the hardest thing she d ever done. The further she got from the house, the more she
was regretting the decision. She loved Alex so much and leaving him was even more painful than
staying with him, even without his love.
She decided to turn around and head back towards the house, when her car was suddenly filled with
bright lights.  What... she began to say aloud, when there was a huge crashing sound and she blacked
Alex sat as his desk with his head in his hands. He was already regretting his words to Jessica. The
longer he thought the more he realized she wasn t demanding anything of him that he didn t have to
All thoughts of work were gone. He was thinking back to his time with Jessica. He couldn t wait to
walk in the door each evening to see her. He noticed throughout his days, he would continually check
the time, counting down the hours until he could return home. He d done far more work from home,
than he d ever done in the past. Anything that didn t require him to be in the office was done from
He was also delegating far more work than he d ever done in the past. He just wanted to spend time
with his son and his wife. Work was no longer the top priority to him it used to be.
Their nights were unlike anything else he d ever known. She was always eager to fall into his arms.
She was the most beautiful creature he d ever known. He could picture her pregnant with many more
of his children. He couldn t picture his life without her.
His heart seemed to grow too full for his chest, as the realization hit him. He did love her.  I love
her, he mumbled out loud, just to hear how it sounded and to know how it felt to say it. He felt his
mouth lift up in a grin. He loved her. He wanted to shout it from the rooftops.
He knew he d sat there to long but he needed to get control over his own emotions. He finally got up
to go talk to Jessica. He hated the pain he d caused her. He couldn t believe he d just sat there as the
tears rolled down her cheeks and the pain flashed in her eyes. Well that would never happen again.
He would make up for that and so much more.
He walked up to their bedroom and there was no sign of her. He went searching throughout the rest of
the house, with no signs. He started to worry. He walked back to his son s room and found Julia in
there.  Do you know where Jessica is? he asked.
 I thought you had both gone out. She came in about an hour ago, saying she would be out for the
night, she replied. Her eyes then narrowed slightly, as she looked at him.  She looked like something
was really bothering her, although she was doing her best to cover it up, she finished accusingly.
Alex headed over to his room, planning on calling her phone. His extension rang before he had a
chance to make the call. He picked up on the first ring,  hello.
 Is this Alex Anderson? the stranger s voice asked.
 Yes, can I help you?
 Sir, your wife has been in an auto accident. She s at the Mercy West Hospital in surgery and you are
listed as her emergency contact, the stranger said with sympathy.
Alex dropped the phone without another word and ran for the door. He shouted out for Tina to notify
his and Jessica s families and then raced to his car. He couldn t lose her. Please God, he prayed,
don t take her from me.
Alex made it to the hospital in record time. He couldn t even remember the drive. One moment he
hopped into his car and the next he was rushing in the emergency entrance doors.  I m looking for my
wife, Jessica Anderson! He was practically shouting at the poor receptionist.
 One moment sir, the efficient nurse looked at her computer for what seemed like hours.  She
arrived about an hour ago and is still in surgery. I need you to fill out these papers please, she
requested, as she pulled out a packet of paperwork.
 To hell with the paperwork, I want to know what s happening with my wife! He shouted at the
 Sir, I understand you re upset right now but the doctor will be out shortly to inform you of your
wife s condition. We really do need these papers filled out, she tried once again.
Alex was about to grab this insufferable woman by her shirt lapels and demand to be taken to Jessica,
when a hand clasped his shoulder.  Come on son, let s fill out this paperwork and wait to hear from
the doctor. Alex s shoulders slumped in defeat. His father was there and he was right.
 Okay Dad, he conceded in defeat.
 I know you re worried, boy. We all are but your family is here now and we ll wait together. Jessica
is strong and I know she will pull through this. Alex thanked God to have his family there with him.
He couldn t sit in the waiting room and maintain his composure without them.
A few minutes later his brothers, Lucas and Mark were there with him and then Jessica s father, John.
No one did any talking. They were there to be a support system. Lucas s wife Amy came in with
coffee and food for everyone and wrapped Alex in a hug.  It will all be okay. She s strong, she said,
then kissed his cheek, before heading over to sit with her husband.
 Son, let s take a walk, Joseph said and lead Alex from the room.
 What if the doctor comes in, Dad? Alex asked in a panic.
 We won t go far and trust me, if the doctor does come in one of your brothers will get you right
away, Joseph reassured him.
 Okay, Alex said, realizing he really did need some air to clear his head.
 Is everything going okay for you and Jessica? Joseph asked. He was never one to mince words and
got right to the heart of the matter.
 I haven t been a great husband, Alex said, fighting hard to hold back a sob.  She told me she loved
me and I just freaked a bit. I was so afraid if I admitted to her how much I cared about her she would
end up being disappointed in me and walking away. I ve been a fool, he finished.
 Well admitting that is the first step, Joseph said with a small chuckle.
Alex didn t find humor in his father s words.  I do love her, he finally said.
 Have you told her that? his dad asked.
 I was going too but we kind of had a fight and that s why she was out driving. This is all my fault
and if anything has happened to her, I will never be able to forgive myself, Alex whispered.
 She ll be okay Alex and you ll have the rest of your life to reassure her how much you truly love her.
When two people are meant to be together, nothing can stop them except their own bullheadedness.
I m glad to see you waking up, Joseph slightly lectured.
 Thanks Dad. I wonder where that stubbornness came from, Alex added.
 Ah boy, your mamma has had to kick me in the butt a few times and I sure deserved it but you know I
would walk on fire for that woman.
 I didn t think it was possible to have a love as great as yours and mom s but now I know how wrong
I have been. Knowing Jessica is hurt and not being able to do anything about it is like ripping a piece
of my soul away from me. I need to make her better, Alex pleaded.
 You ve sure grown into a fine young man. You know I m always here for you and we ll get through
this. Families always stick together. There s no way Jessica will leave her son behind so have faith,
say a lot of prayers and know everything will work out.
 Thanks dad. I ll feel better once the doctor lets me see her, Alex said, glancing through the doors,
into the waiting room. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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