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Trenton with murder in her eyes.
 How dare you lie to her, you pompous, self-serving, arrogant man? When this wedding doesn t take
place, she ll think I m a liar, as well as incompetent, and they will take Molly from me for sure, she
yelled, as she stalked closer to him. She d never in her life wanted to physically hurt someone, but at
that moment she wanted to hit him repeatedly.
Trenton watched Jennifer and felt his body spring to life. Her anger was an impressive thing to watch
and he found himself wanting her so badly he hurt all over. He smiled, which caused her eyes to
spark, and her face to redden. He was fascinated with her reaction and found himself wanting to push
her buttons even further.
She came toward him with her hand raised. He didn t know if she planned on slugging him, or
scratching his eyes out, but he didn t give her time to do either. He pulled her into his arms and kissed
her with so much heat, he didn t know how they both didn t combust.
She struggled with him for a few moments and then her anger quickly turned to passion and they were
both clawing all over each other. He lifted her onto the counter and was getting ready to part her robe
and sink deep inside her when he heard a noise behind him. He could barely turn his head in his
passion filled haze but was grateful he did because Molly was standing in the doorway, with her
sleepy eyes on them.
Jennifer hadn t yet spotted her and was still clinging to him, needing him to finish what he d started.
He backed away from her and she whimpered, feeling cold and empty without him pressed against
her. It took a moment, but she finally looked over and spotted her niece and then her face heated with
embarrassment. She prayed her innocent niece hadn t seen too much. She quickly checked both her
clothing and Trenton s, and was relieved to find everything was perfectly covered.
 Good morning, Angel, she said through a tight throat.
 Morning, auntie, I m hungry, Molly replied and sat at the table, acting like it was nothing to find her
aunt locked in the arms of a man in the kitchen.
 I ll make you some pancakes, she said and quickly got to work on them, glad to have something to
do to take her mind off Trenton and the custody situation for a few moments. As her heated skin
cooled and her mind had time to think, she began to stress once again, wondering what she was going
to do and how she was going to get out of her current predicament.
She finished the pancakes and sat at the table with Molly, drinking in the sight of her. She couldn t let
her go, she was so precious to her and it would break both of their hearts to not be together.
Molly finished her breakfast and went into the living room to watch a movie while she woke up.
Jennifer finally turned on Trenton, ready to have it out with him.
 How could you have lied to her? She ll know you made the whole thing up and then blame me for it.
Hell, I ll be lucky to even get to visit with my niece after all this, she finished on a tear choked
 I didn t lie. I heard your conversation with her and found you the best solution. We ll get married
and you can keep your niece, he said in a matter-of-fact tone. She stared incredulously at him.
 I can t get married to you.
 Then you ll lose your niece. He spoke the words without any emotion, never breaking eye contact.
She stood there, letting what he said sink in. Could she marry a man for any other reason than love?
She d have said never, even an hour ago, but she couldn t lose her niece and if marriage was the
solution to keeping her, then what could it really hurt?
She thought back to their conversation weeks ago about arranged marriages and how he was
convinced all marriages were about convenience. Marriage to him was nothing more than a contract.
He wasn t offering marriage on an emotional basis, it was purely business to him.
 Why would you do this, you have nothing to gain? she finally asked.
 In case you haven t noticed, we re great in bed together. That s worth a wedding ring, he told her
and she flinched. He was trading a wedding ring for unlimited sex. Could she really sell herself like
that? It wasn t like sleeping with him was a hardship, but still it seemed so cold. She had to blink
away the tears as she thought about it. She turned from him, looking out the window.
 I need to think about all of this.
 There s nothing to think about, Jennifer. You either do this for your niece, or not. A wedding takes
time to plan and I already told Ms. Ellis we were marrying in a week, so you need to decide now, he
said, still in that cold voice. He was pushing her into a corner and she wanted nothing more than to
run away. She looked into the living room, at her niece, who was so content in that moment. She d
opened up so much more in the last months and Jennifer knew if she went into the foster care system
she d quickly retreat again. She d think her aunt had abandoned her. She couldn t let that happen.
 Fine, she said, barely above a whisper. She wouldn t turn and look at him when she spoke the
single word. He didn t need any clarification - he knew he d won the battle.
 I ll get it arranged, he told her and walked out her front door. She felt like she d just sold her soul
to the devil, but she d have done much worse if it would keep her niece safe. She joined her on the
couch, pulling her close, needing to remember her own life didn t matter - it was about Molly, who
she was responsible for.
Trenton left the house feeling guilty about pushing Jennifer into a corner, but he knew he couldn t let
her go. He didn t want to give her time to think of any other solution. He wanted her to be his wife,
and when he wanted something, he always went after it until it was his.
Jennifer was stunned by how quickly things happened after one simply stated word. She got a call
later from Emily Anderson, congratulating her on her upcoming marriage and asking her to come over
so they could go over wedding details. She d reluctantly accepted the invitation, not wanting to make
a big deal over a fake marriage, but also not wanting to hurt Emily, who had become a friend to her.
She arrived at the ranch, where all the Anderson women were, along with Trenton s siblings and
cousins. The house was full of people and items. She d been invited to stay at the ranch, though it had
been more of a command, so they could get all they needed to get done in the short amount of time.
She d been excused from work, as she was busy day and night for the wedding, and she didn t see
Trenton alone, not even once. She spotted him here and there but always from a distance. The looks
he sent her caught her on fire, though. He seemed just as hungry for her as she was for him and she had
a feeling their wedding night was going to be explosive.
She was measured, waxed, plucked and put through every beauty treatment she could ever possibly
imagine, and before she knew it, her wedding day was there. She told everyone repeatedly she didn t
want a large wedding but no one listened.
She stared at herself in the full length mirror, in one of the guest rooms, at the ranch and could barely
recognize herself. She loved her dress, all white, poufy and filled with beads and lace. It was a
dream dress and she couldn t bemoan the gown in any way. Her hair was swept off of her neck, held
in place by clips, beads and a sparkling tiara. Her make-up had been applied by an expert and she felt
 Aunt Jennifer, is it time? Molly, who looked like a miniature version of herself, asked.
 I think so, beautiful, she said, causing Molly to giggle.
 I m a princess, Molly said and spun in a circle. She looked like a little princess in her white dress [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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