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this made her admire him just a little bit. That he would
project himself as he was, showed courage that she found
quite stimulating.
As she noticed Ed, she felt that someone else was too. She
couldn't tell whom and that worried her very much. It
suddenly occurred to her that James was not only attacking
people from the D/s community but might actually be
selecting victims from her attentions. She got a little panicky.
She made a quick decision.
Kit [Cyberblood Chronicles Book II]
by Jonathan Amsbary
 Mistress-Storm Lord Sage may I have a private word
with you please?
 Lord-Sage Of course you may My Lady.
Kit set her computer for "private conversation". Now She
and Ed could have a conversation that no one else could see.
 Mistress-Storm Ed, I have something to tell you about
your friend Kit. But you have to promise not to tell ANYONE! I
mean you can't talk to another soul about his. If you can't
promise me that then I can't tell you what I have to say.
There was a moment of silence while Ed was obviously
hashing over the implications of his next move. One thing
that Kit always liked about Ed was that he always thought
before he spoke.
 Lord-Sage Sure. I suppose I can promise that.
 Mistress-Storm Ed, I'm kit.
 Lord-Sage OMG (Oh my God). ~hugs you~
 Mistress-Storm ~hugs~
 Lord-Sage Why are you hiding? What's wrong? I've
heard so much about you. I thought this was going to be
another stupid rumor.
 Mistress-Storm Ed, this is important. Some of what you
are hearing is true. Someone is trying to hurt me. In fact, he
wants to kill me.
 Lord-Sage MY GOD.
 Mistress-Storm Ed, I need you to be calm and listen. I
can't go to anyone for help. I've been accused of a crime I
didn't commit, this guy did. It's serious Ed, I'm in big trouble.
 Lord-Sage What can I do to help?
Kit [Cyberblood Chronicles Book II]
by Jonathan Amsbary
 Mistress-Storm Ed, actually I want to help you. Ed this
guy is a real psycho. He's threatened to kill my friends. I'm
afraid he might come after you. Ed, can I come to you? We
can help protect each other.
 Lord-Sage Kit if this were anyone else, I'd think you
were lying. But you've never lied before. Are you sure I can't
call the police?
 Mistress-Storm Please Ed, I know this sound
impossible, but just wait for me to come. I will explain
 Lord-Sage Of course Kit. You know where I live.
 Mistress-Storm Somewhere in Albuquerque, right?
 Lord-Sage Right. Can I pick you up at your flight?
Mistress-Storm No Ed, I'm in Texas right now. I might be
able to be there before dawn. If I have to stop, I'll be at your
house around sundown.
 Lord-Sage You keep funny hours, what are you? A
 Mistress-Storm LOL, I've been told that. Actually, I'm
allergic to sunlight. Proferia (This lie she had already worked
 Lord-Sage Oh sure, sorry. I have a room in the
basement that's dark. I'll put a bed down there for you.
 Mitress-Sage Thanks, Ed. Now listen to me carefully.
Don't tell anyone we've talked. Don't invite anyone, I mean
anyone into your house until I get there. I don't care if it's a
little old lady being attacked by wolves, don't open your door
for anyone but me. Understand?
 Lord-Sage Kit you're scaring me a little here.
Kit [Cyberblood Chronicles Book II]
by Jonathan Amsbary
 Mistress-Storm Sorry Ed, but it's important. It's how
this guy operates. He's a real piece of work. He won't go into
anyone's house univited. For any reason.
 Lord-Sage I understand.
 Mistress-Storm You have my picture, right. You know
what I look like?
 Lord-Sage Right.
 Mistress-Storm Good, now tell me how to get to your
house, I need to get going.
Ed gave her the instructions to the house. She was happy
that he lived in a gated community. She wondered if James
would need to be invited into the neighborhood. She hoped
she wouldn't have to test that.
She also wondered if she would need to be invited in. The
saying was that "evil needed to be invited in." She wondered
if she counted as an evil thing by being a vampire. She had
not entered a private home since she was changed. As much
as she knew about vampires, she realized there was so much
more she needed to know. She would have to find some way
to learn before she faced James.
She also knew that James would continue to strike the D/s
community until one of them were dead. It tore at her guts
that he was out there killing people just because of her. The
longer she took to face him, the more people would die, but
she couldn't let that panic her.
If James caught her and got control of her, he would use
her to hurt and kill many, many good people. Kit could not
live with that either. She had to learn and she had to learn
fast. She just didn't know where.
Kit [Cyberblood Chronicles Book II]
by Jonathan Amsbary
Chapter 27
James was happy for a brief moment. He had watched the
chat rooms knowing that Kit would eventually show up. He
knew other vampires who walked the halls of cyber space and
had ventured there once or twice before. It was not to his
liking. He enjoyed the tangible world so much better, though
he had to admit to its seductive qualities.
He had felt Kit and watched her since she first logged on.
If he knew more about computers he supposed he could track
her to her current location. Alas, he didn't, so he waited until
she showed herself. He was angry at first because all she did
was watch. She was easy enough to follow because she
glowed like a beacon to him.
Her power was formidable and he knew more than ever
that he had to control her or destroy her as quickly as
possible. She was already a threat to him and grew more so
each day. James' advantage was his skill and he would soon
lose that to her. If she learned to use her powers, James was
He needed to distract her, to keep her off balance if he
could. He was happy that the other chatters were talking
about his attack of those two back in Denver. Not only would
it disturb Kit and play into James' plans, but it also fed his
ego. He had achieved a modicum of fame through his actions
and he swelled with pride thinking about it. He considered
making more attacks on these fools just to keep them talking
about him.
Kit [Cyberblood Chronicles Book II]
by Jonathan Amsbary
Kit had finally talked and James zeroed in on her and more
importantly on her companion. James started searching for
the mortal with his mind. He was a long way away and
somewhere south of his current location. James had fled to
the west after the killings in Denver and had wound up in Salt
Lake City.
James could not help himself, he gloated to Kit and at that
moment lost track of the man she was talking to. James
cursed his luck and wondered what Kit had done to block his
probe. She had shielded herself but being able to shield
someone else was tricky and James wondered how she had
been able to pull it off so easily.
It didn't matter. He was sure she would head to this man
and James now had a direction to travel. He could hit all the
cities south of him in a month or two. He'd start in Las Vegas,
move through Arizona and New Mexico, and scour southwest
Texas and work back up to Oklahoma and then back to
Denver. If he got close enough, he knew he'd be able to track
He also thought of the trail of blood he would leave behind [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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