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Then don't go on, damn it.
He circled her nipple with his tongue, teasing her into sheer delight. She moaned in pleasure but didn't
miss him say between breaths, "It's just that I-" He pulled up and kissed her on the lips. "I don't want
you to get hurt."
Annie moved back. She'd expected him to go on about her ruining the workroom, or spending money on
supplies for her Stayput, or anything except that he worried about her. Damn it. This meant he cared
about her.
And she wasn't ready to hear that.
David pulled her close, despite the confusion wracking her brain. Currents of ecstasy still played havoc
with her emotions, but now his worrying about her sent her mixed up thoughts swirling like the snow
that kept them secluded in the old house. Secluded and ready to make love again.
But they couldn't.
"Kiss me, Annie," he whispered. "There is no better time. He glanced at her, with caring and concern
touching her heart from his warm brown eyes. He started to lean forward when a scraping sound
outside caused him to pause.
Annie froze beneath David's hold.
"What the hell is-" he asked.
She knew. She knew the sound had saved her from doing something so foolish as to make love to David.
As if an outside force knew to knock some sense into her, since she obviously couldn't make the right
decision. She turned toward the window. David looked to the side. From their seats on the floor, they
watched a giant yellow snowplow, ripping their seclusion from them as it scrapped a path along the old
road like one of Maxi's giant Tonka toys.
"Maxi and Popi will be here soon," she whispered.
"Damn it!" David shouted. He looked into Annie's eyes for a sign of whether to ignore the plow and
continue, and, to his dismay, a steeliness had frozen the warm depths of blue. She was right, though,
they had nearly lost their minds and made a mistake. Although, right now, he was having a hard time
convincing his body that making love to Annie could ever been a mistake. He swallowed so hard, she
gave him a look of concern. He took her hand and pulled her to stand. "Let's get your Stayput finished. I
want to help." Before she could protest, he grabbed a nearby hook and asked, "What do I do with this?"
* * *
Annie leaned against the kitchen windowpane and watched two birds flutter about in the yard. The
newly fallen snow blanketed the property, making a winter wonderland setting outside her window. By
the sound of it, Popi was puttering about the kitchen. Maxi, elated that school was canceled, was
somewhere with David. Both Popi and Maxi had made it back safely after the roads were plowed
yesterday. She could rest easy about that, anyway. But David...
It seemed like a million years ago, another lifetime, when they had nearly made love. Amazing how the
mind works, clouding thoughts, hiding visions to protect one from the pain of remembering.
Remembering how wonderful it could have been. "Get a grip, Hamilton," she murmured.
"What's that, pumpkin?" Popi asked.
Annie turned to see her grandfather mixing a bowl of his special chili. "Oh, nothing..." She walked
closer and scooped a fingerful from the bowl before Popi's wooden spoon rapped Annie's knuckles. Even
though it wasn't Wednesday, he'd offered to help cook after she'd told him about her Stayput order
needing to get done. Thanks to David it was complete.
"You seem preoccupied today," Popi said.
Annie forced a smile and licked her finger. "More than usual?"
Popi raised a silvery-gray eyebrow and clucked his tongue. "I didn't say that." He held a spoonful out so
Annie could sneak a bit more.
The tangy chili tickled its way down her throat. "Perfect as usual, Pops. Yeah, I'm a wee bit preoccupied
today." She licked the last of the chili from her finger and chose to ignore the knowing look Popi gave
her. The old man had been a traitor to her from day one when it came to Annie and David getting back
together. But, right now, Annie didn't feel up to discussing her love life with her grandfather-actually,
she'd never discuss that with him, nor the possibility of reuniting with David. The thought scared her too
"I'll go get the mail," Annie said, knowing it was a cop out. She could feel Popi's blue eyes boring into
her as she shoved open the kitchen door and bolted out before he went on about Annie's behavior. Right
now, she knew Popi had to be on at least his third, "Oh, Lordy." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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