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to feed the Flame lit by Kundalini. It resembles in effect a gorgeous lotus of extraordinary
brilliance, having a thousand petals to denote its large dimensions. In the absence of adequate
physiological information the old savants probably could not seize hold of a better method,
not only to indicate the position of the nerve clusters which had to become seats of intense
activity simultaneously with the awakening, but also to prepare the uninitiated disciples for
their subsequent brightly illumined lotus-like appearance.
I have tried to make the point clear, as readers in the least familiar with the writings on
Kundalini are likely to be struck by the singular absence of any reference in this work to
Chakras and lotuses, so lavishly dealt with in other books, that a whole literature has grown
around them, detracting from the scientific value of the actual phenomenon. I never practised
yoga by Tantric methods of which Pranayama, meditation on the nerve centres, and posture
are essential features. If I had done so with a firm belief in the existence of the lotuses, I might
well have mistaken the luminous formations and the glowing discs of light at the various
nerve junctions along the spinal cord for lotuses, and in the excited state of my imagination
might even have been led to perceive the letters and the presiding deities in vivid form,
suggested by the pictures already present in my mind. By the grace of the divine energy I was
destined to witness a phenomenon of another kind, a unique phenomenon undoubtedly
repeated many times during the past but in all probability seldom studied in detail and
certainly never recorded in plain language free of unintelligible words and metaphors.
Astounding as it may appear, I am convinced that an emphasis was designedly laid on great
suffering to me particularly on such items of the experience as enabled me, though very
imperfectly, to trace the biological processes responsible for the phenomenon. It is mainly
because of this that I am in a position to adduce certain hitherto inexplicable facts, fully
confident that the indistinct track, passing zig-zag through the thick undergrowth of
superstition and ceremonial, now pointed out will with the labour of competent investigators
soon lead to surprising developments and momentous results.
I was destined to witness my own transformation, not comparable in any way to the great
transfigurations in the past, nor similar in point of results to the marvellous achievements of
genius; but though simple in nature and ordinary in effect, a transformation nevertheless,
attended all along by great physical and mental suffering. But what I witnessed and still
witness within myself is so contrary to many accepted notions of science, at variance with
many time-honoured dogmas of faith, and so antagonistic to many of the universally followed
dictums of civilization that when what I have experienced is proved empirically there must
occur a far-reaching, revolutionary change in every sphere of human activity and conduct.
What I realized beyond the least shadow of doubt is the fact, corroborated in part by ancient
seers of many lands and more concretely by those in India, that in the human body there exists
an extremely subtle and intricate mechanism located in the sexual region which while active
in the normal man in the naturally restricted form tends to develop the body generation after
generation, subject of course to the vicissitudes of life, for the expression of a higher
personality at the end; but when roused to rapid activity, it reacts strongly on the parent
organism, effecting in course of time subject again to numerous factors, a marvellous
transformation of the nervous system and the brain, resulting in the manifestation of a
superior type of consciousness, which will be the common inheritance of man in the distant
future. This mechanism, known as Kundalini, is the real cause of all genuine spiritual and
psychic phenomena, the biological basis of evolution and development of personality, the
secret origin of all esoteric and occult doctrines, the master key to the unsolved mystery of
creation, the inexhaustible source of philosophy, art and science, and the fountainhead of all
religious faiths, past, present and future.
Commentary to Chapters Twelve and Thirteen
Unfortunately we do not have the content of his dreams. We are told only of their vivid
intensity, their sweetness and sublime beauty, and the concomitant heightened physiological
activity, especially sexual. As mentioned above, the vivification of imagination belongs to the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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