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 Right then, but don t dawdle. You know his lordship doesn t like to be kept
waitin .
Blaine waited until James had closed the door before he reached for her and
brought her tight against his chest.  Just one more kiss, my Mistress of the Night, so that
I may have the taste of you on my mouth. So that when I wake up, I ll know that this
wasn t just a dream.
* * * *
 That ll be three shillings, Madeline proclaimed.
 Three shillings, the elderly duke grumbled,  for a pile of linen and thread?
 Just pay the lady, a deep voice growled from the crowd.  You can afford it,
Roth. It s a small price to pay for a lady s happiness.
 Just mind yer own, Faversham, Roth snarled before placing the shillings in
Madeline s outstretched hand.  Never could understand females and their fripperies.
 Thank you, Your Grace, Madeline called out to Roth as he trudged to the next
booth. She smiled when she saw him raise his wrinkled hand in the air and dismiss her
with a haughty wave.
 Well, Lord Faversham drawled as he walked up to the table, surveying the
wares for sale.  At last I ve come face to face with the Lady Madeline.
 Lord Faversham, she smiled, slightly un-nerved by the gleam in his brown eyes.
 Where would your lovely associate be this afternoon? he asked, picking up an
embroidered handkerchief and studying the work.
 Miss Knightly.
 She s& well& 
 Here, Phoebe called from behind a box.
 Ah, Faversham smiled, his eyes turning a warmer shade of brown, reminding
Madeline of melted chocolate.
 Good day, Lord Faversham, Phoebe said while emptying her box of linens on
the table.  Have you come to peruse the merchandise?
 Indeed, he purred.  Although some of the merchandise is somewhat elusive.
Some might even say, frustratingly so.
Madeline stared in wonder at the conversation. Lord Faversham was clearly bent
on having Phoebe and Phoebe, well, she looked as though she couldn t have cared less.
She just continued heaping more hankies and kerchiefs on the table, completely ignoring
Faversham s smoldering looks.
 How much would it take, Lady Madeline, for you to release your associate for
the day?
Madeline gasped, but Phoebe plunged in, her beautiful courtesan smile in place.
 Five thousand pounds, Phoebe declared.  That s the amount we need to invest in a
project to assure the future of Montgomery House.
Madeline stared in wonder, how had she done it? With a smile and a flick of her
blonde head, Phoebe had managed to get the notoriously close-fisted lord to open his
Mistress of the Night Charlotte Featherstone 68
pocket book.
 Madeline, Phoebe whispered, removing her apron.  Mrs. Noland is here and
Helen is expected any moment, you don t mind, do you?
 Of course not, Madeline sputtered.  But really, you don t have to& I mean, if
you don t want--how did you do that?
 That s the way the game is played, Phoebe grinned, then patted her hand.  And
believe me, Dearest, I want to go with him.
With a sigh, Madeline watched them traipse away, grinning at the spring in
Phoebe s step.
 He s a right devil that one, Maggie came up to stand beside her.  I fear Phoebe
may have met her match in him.
 I just hope she knows what she s doing, Madeline whispered.  He won t marry
her. Despite the fact his wife gave him his heir before she died, he won t marry beneath
himself. She s going to get hurt.
 The road to love is never easy, Maggie murmured, staring at her with keen
eyes.  It s fraught with pain and sorrow and sometimes it feels as though it might never
work out. But love is something you just can t abandon. True love doesn t give up, it
doesn t loosen it s on hold ye. Don t you forget that, luvy.
Madeline reached for Maggie s wrinkled hand and clasped it tightly in hers.
 Why did you not tell me that you were a member of Hardcastle s staff?
 I didn t think it pertinent, she mumbled, looking away.  I didn t want you to
think I might have any influence over him.
 Do you? Madeline couldn t help but ask.  Does he listen to what you have to
 He s a man, luvy. Do men ever listen to women?
 Maggie, Madeline sobered.  Do you know what secrets he keeps?
 A smile to rival that of the sun.
Madeline jumped in surprise at the sound of the voice behind her. Darting her
eyes from Maggie she watched as Tynemouth lounged against the table, a posy of daisies
in his hand.  For you, he proclaimed.
 Thank you, she smiled, idly sniffing the flowers, disappointed when they held
no scent.  They re lovely.
 They remind me of you, bright and cheery. The yellow centers remind me of the
sun and your smile.
He certainly wasn t poetic and his flowers were nothing like Blaine s exotic and
lush bouquet. He was trying very hard, but really, how could he be a rival to the
enigmatic earl?
 So, you re selling these items for Montgomery House? Tynemouth asked,
looking through the linens.  I ll take three, one for my mother and each sister.
 Well, another familiar voice rang out.  Here s the gel I ve been looking for.
 Lady Brookehaven, a pleasure, madam.
 I ve sent a missive round to Montgomery House, I d like to meet tomorrow to
discuss the plans for the charity weekend. These things take thought, you know. We just
can t expect the weekend to plan itself.
Mistress of the Night Charlotte Featherstone 69
 It would be my pleasure.
 I ve asked Rebecca and Isabella to be there also. I presume you know Rebecca?
My grandson s wife?
 Yes, Madeline demurred, remembering having met Lady Bronley.
 And Lady Bathurst is my godchild. Don t know if you know that. I ve invited
her as well.
 It presents no difficulties for me. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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