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destroy or at least to negate the individual or group that acts outside the direction which is
described by the use of energy in a harmony with all the opposite forces of itself. To
instinct, wrong-willed nations are cheap and individuals--cheap as the leaves of trees,
unless they fulfill their function. I have described the violations of instinct which gave
rise to the illusion of ego long ago and which infest this modern world. For our myriad,
separate refusals to serve and employ the process of subjective honesty, the conscience,
the inner science that parallels the outer, we are, collectively, at perpetual stake. We
suffer, fail, die at the hands of one another. Our nations are a mixture of collective ego
and collective unconscious and their concepts of themselves, of their purposes, of their
motives, of their ideals and constitutions, are but rationalizations of the truth.
Let me refresh the reader's memory with an illustration of this operation of
instinct and opposites on the grand scale, before I make the few suggestions I have in
mind. Consider Russia. Here is a government that is often said to be like a religion. It is a
better example of unconscious law at work than any religion because Russia can be con-
templated by everyone without the interference of godly ideas of the Reds or the
John Fischer, in Harper's, has pointed out more adequately than anyone else the
analogues of communism with religion. The Russian parry member is a dedicated zealot
whose body and mind belong to the Kremlin. Lenin is God. Stalin is the Son. Marx is the
Holy Ghost. The thirteen in the Politbureau are the Apostles. The replicas of desks and
hats and notebooks belonging to Lenin which are displayed everywhere in Russian
museums are the Holy Relics. The communist doctrine is the Faith. It is Absolute--
though mystically alterable by encyclical. It is taught even to babes in the catechismic
form. Mr. Fischer carries this analogue to amazing details; but the foregoing will suffice
for demonstration.
If we grant the premises in this essay, it must follow that the Kremlin, which is
the church and therefore the repository of instinct, administers it, also. But communism is
atheistic--a member must have no God at all. The state owns the private conscience but
has no access to it such as the submission to espionage in the confessional. The state is
therefore compelled to institute a general espionage. For whenever an archetype opposed
to the communist religion rises even in one man, the state must learn of it before it
spreads. The NKVD is thus the conscience of one hundred and eighty million human
beings--secretly alive amidst them and working to protect the state archetypes.
Communism is an intellectual system for the management of objectivity and it
considers man as an object. All instinctual motivation outside that premise is heresy. An
inquisition--fear and constant intimidation--must therefore be maintained to keep the
instinctual man firm in this artificial belief and behaving according to it. Yalta is thus
Heaven, and Siberia, Hell--and the firing squads represent a constant Judgment Day on
earth. But the citizens are judged not according to their instinctual nature or according to
the conscious opposites in any religion but according to a mere logos-material principle.
They have given up conscience itself--the heart of awareness and the central function of
life--for promises of mundane security. No individual is secure, so the orientation must
be transposed in such a way as to make the individual believe in his remaining conscious
mind that his future security impinges upon the present security of the system and the
state. He must be made to argue to himself he is a forfeit. The archetype of war is the
archetype for such self-sacrifice. Revolution and the Second World War well served that
synthetic kind of consciousness. Now, to retain the communist archetypes and to suppress
their valid opposites, two means are necessary besides intimidation and the internal
surveillance of every person: first, the constant expression and advocacy inside Russia of
communism and communistic superiority, and second, an iron curtain which will shut out [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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