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beginning to think I was the last of the Mohicans. Sitting
up, she caught sight of Malkon.  Who s this?
 Malkon, said Turlough impatiently, wanting to know
why Peri had left the TARDIS.  Another traveller, he
explained to Malkon.
 Hi, said Peri, hoping that Malkon was the ordinary,
uncomplicated teenager he looked. She got to her feet.  Oh,
boy. Have I seen everything today! A transgalactic
payphone, a stepfather who turns into a robot...
Turlough grabbed her arm.  What did you say?
 A robot who turns into some hoodlum...
As Peri continued her tale of woe Turlough began to
piece together what must have happened in the TARDIS.
It was so obvious. The real professor had never really left
the island it was Kamelion all the time.
 That s him, agreed Peri.  But I sure prefer the Tin Man
to this Master.
Turlough s blood ran cold.  The Master? he cried.
 Kamelion turned into the Master?
Peri nodded, massaging her bruised shoulder.
The horrified Turlough couldn t imagine what had
made the Master usurp the robot and bring them all to this
Trion colony. But he now realised he had left the Doctor in
the most appalling danger.
It was a rare joy for the Master to see the dismay on the
Doctor s face as he entered the Hall of Fire. The pleasure
was enhanced by the knowledge that the youthful Time
Lord had been totally duped by his own robot. He soon
found himself enjoying the adulation of the crowd.
Deification, he decided, was no more than his due. Nor
would he disappoint his worshippers.
 Wretched citizens of Sarn! he thundered at the
congregation in the Hall like a hell-fire preacher.  You
have turned your backs on the Lord of the Fire Mountain
and listened... He pointed an accusing finger at the
Doctor,  to his enemy!
The Doctor struggled in vain to explain that
this Outsider was no more than a traveller, for the crowd
was enthralled by the evil automaton.
 On your knees, miserable people, cried the Kamelion-
Master.  Abase yourselves before the messenger of Logar.
And his audience obediently fell to their knees and abased
 The man s an imposter! shouted the Doctor.
The Master s surrogate laughed.  Save your breath,
Doctor, to tell me where is the girl from your TARDIS.
 Peri? said the Doctor, who had never doubted that his
American passenger was safe with her stepfather in the
time machine.
The Master was puzzled by the Doctor s genuine
surprise.  She has joined you here, he prompted, impatient
to regain the vital TARDIS component.  Where is she?
Where is the comparator?
The Doctor s mind raced. What had been going on in
the police box while he was exploring with Turlough?
Timanov bowed before the man in the dark suit.  Let us
hurl the enemy in the flames, Outsider.
 Not yet. The Kamelion-Master smiled. The Doctor
would surrender the comparator before he died.
Meanwhile, the rebels, befriended by his adversary could
satisfy the bloodlust of the old men and perhaps encourage
the Doctor to be more co-operative.  Burn the others first!
He waved dismissively in the direction of Amyand, Roskal
and Sorasta. The Elders raised their staves and the guards
marched forward, grabbing the three Unbelievers.
 No! shouted the Doctor, as the three Unbelievers were
frogmarched to the cave where the fire still raged.
Once more they sought judgement of the Chosen One.
 Malkon is not here, sneered the the Chief Elder.  It is
the will of the Outsider that you all die. The messenger of
Logar has supreme authority.
The Doctor watched helplessly. The Master laughed
and whispered in his ear:  The comparator, if you please.
 I don t have the comparator, protested the Doctor.
 Where is the girl? he pleaded.  What have you done with
Professor Foster?
 The professor has been eliminated, announced the
Kamelion-Master, learning at once, from the agonised look
on the Doctor s face, that Peri had not yet found the Time
Lord to give her account of the robot s activities or to
hand over the comparator.  Such an absurd capacity for
distress. He mocked the Doctor s concern for his
passengers in the police box, though of course that
inadequate machine was now inoperable without the
comparator. But, no matter. Here was an army of slaves to
evacuate his buried TARDIS.
 Continue the burning! ordered Timanov from beside
the cave. The guards dragged back the heavy iron grille
from the entrance.
 Help us, Doctor! screamed Roskal and Sorasta. But
there was nothing the Doctor could do. Two young
Unbelievers ran forward in an impulsive bid to aid their
comrades, but even before the guards could grab them, the
Elders raised their staves and the youths were felled by
deadly rays. The Doctor lowered his head at the carnage.
 You are quite powerless, jeered the Kamelion-Master,
 and since you do not have the comparator, entirely
dispensable. You may join your friends in the incinerator.
He called once more to Timanov.  Continue with the
burnings, Chief Elder. See that this Doctor burns slowly!
The old man turned towards the mountain.  Great [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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