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cyber-physical systems in production systems results in that neither humans nor machinery are at risk;
the  smart factory . Its products, resources and processes  security in the networks in order to avert misuse, crimi-
are characterized by cyber-physical systems; through its nal interventions and negligence from the outside;
speciic properties, it offers advantages with regard to  extreme real-time capability in order to master even the
quality, time and costs in comparison with classic produc- fastest processes, incidents and interdependencies;
tion systems. The recommendation is to set up an ap-  new operator models;
propriate project as part of the  Industry 4.0 initiative  hybrid system and architecture models for the speciic
that was started in 2011 with the objective of removing engineering tasks; and
technological and economic obstacles and promoting  sustainable design of production (circular flow economy).
the realization and use of smart factories. For the engi-
neering and implementation of cyber-physical systems, The aforementioned points include lots of keywords provid-
the integrative, interdisciplinary development of prod- ing entry points for technical production research in the
uct and production systems needs to be promoted. This ield of the smart factory.
includes the modularization of production systems into
production units using model-driven development (Model Backing up vertical projects with a comprehensive, inter-
Driven Design). disciplinary research group dealing with cyber-physical
systems can guarantee the transfer of generic work results
The following topics relating to cyber-physical production between projects.
systems are of central importance for production engineering:
 further research and development of innovation meth- acatech recommends:
ods in order to always be able to offer new products for Innovation alliances should head research projects about
the global market; the cross-domain development of cyber-physical systems
 ongoing research into new production processes; with the focal points of smart grid, e-health and industry 4.0.
 further scientiic penetration of production processes
and production machines in order to have correctly
established models available that can then be used by
the cyber-physical production systems;
Cyber-Physical Systems
6.8 COMPENSATE FOR WEAKNESSES physical models and drawing heavily on control theory. In
detail, this means:
In Germany, competences relating to the internet, including
the World Wide Web and cloud computing, are signiicantly  interdisciplinary modelling of hybrid systems consisting
less developed compared to embedded systems. Measures of software, electronics and physical systems, incorpo-
are required here since economic competition between rating material science, chemistry and biology;
cyber-physical systems is carried out with the help of syner-  concepts for linking those system components that are
gies between embedded systems and the control of global subject to hard physical laws, for example real time, and
networks. those components that are abstracted from these laws
via cyber-physical systems;
 consistent development processes based on suitable
acatech recommends: models for cyber-physical systems; and
A central national research and competence centre for the  approaches for automation and virtual engineering for
Internet of Things, Data and Services and the World Wide cyber-physical systems.
Web has to be set up, which deals with all issues connected
with global networks. These include the technical structure In terms of human-centred engineering, integrated hybrid
of networks, their architecture and design, the various com- system and architecture concepts are required for:
munication levels and protocols, including the technical
facilities for this, technology for the design of data and  distributed analogue/digital control and management;
services and their use, for example using search engines,  human-technology interaction and integrated models [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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