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instructions are given by authorised persons to give spiritual eye to the boy by which his
internal vision is brought closer to the Universal light or God. This ceremony is peculiar to the
Hindus. But as the name indicates, any section of the human society, whether Hindu or not,
may take advantage of these valuable precepts and begin to give their children the religious
instruction most suitable to their countries, castes and traditions, Upanayanam should be
performed in the 5th or the 8th year. If this is not possible, the ceremoney should be gone
through before the age of 16 In case of Brahmins and 20 to 24 in regard to other sects of the
* Prof. B. Suryanarain Rao's Sukla and Promoduta.
The Sun, the Moon and Jupiter represent symbolically the father, mother and lire-force.
Therefore, the three planets should be well disposed to the ascendant at the timeof
The best season is when the Sun is in his northern course (between Capricorn and Gemini).
The lunar months of Magha, Phalguna, Chaitra and Vaisakha are good. The 2nd, 3rd, 5th,
7th, 10th and 13th lunar days in the bright half and the 1st. 2nd and 3rd in the dark half are
held to be auspicious. The lunar days to be avoided are 4th, 8th, 9th, 11th, 12th, 14th and Full
and New Moon days. Some are of opinion that the 13th is good.
Exception: Even the 14th lunar day may be treated as good if the boy is above the prescribed
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are propitious. Wednesday must be rejected if
Mercury Is combust. Sunday is ordinary while Tuesday should be invariably rejected.
The following constellations are good: Anuradha, Hasta, Chitta, Swati, Sravana, Dhanishta,
Satabhisha, Uttara, Uttarashadha, Uttarabhadra, Revati, Rohini, Mrigasira, Aswini,
Punarvasu and Pushyami.
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Libra and Aquarius are good. The other signs should
be avoided. According to Vasishta and Garga. the 3rd day in the bright half of the month of
Chaitra and Vaisakha and the 7th day in the bright half of the lunar months Magha and
Phalguna are highly favourable.
The Moon must not occupy the 6th, 8lth, or 12th house. Malefics should not be posited in
quadrants. The ceremony should take place before noon. The 8th house from the Lagna
must be unoccupied.
The third house should be fortified by the situation of either malefics or benefics, white the 6th
should be devoid of a benefic. Mars and Saturn should be avoided in the 5th.
Let Mars and Saturn be avoided in the 2nd from the election chart; as otherwise they will
make the boy's intellect dull. Similarly their situation in the 12th should also be avoided. The
Moon should always be avoided in Lagna. But, however, if Cancer is the ascendant and the
Moon and Jupiter are in conjunction and malefics are in 3, 6 and 11, the evil attached to the
situation of the Moon in Lagna becomes neutralised. The following malefic yogas should also
be avoided:
Spoorjitham. - The Sun in kendra causes this yoga and the result is the destruction of the
Spuritham. - Mars occupying a kendrs generates this evil yoga and generally proves fatal to
the Guru (preceptor) as well as the boy.
Rudhitham. - Saturn occupying a kendra produces this evil combination resulting in incurable
Rundhram. - Rahu in a kendra gives rise to this malefic yoga. It proves fatal to the mother.
Ugram. - This arises by Ketu's disposition in a kendra. It adversely affects health and
Besides the above malefic yogas, the Moon should not be affected by Mercury as it leads to
the boy's blindness. The Moon should not be in her own Navamsa, nor in that of the Sun or
The following are of course very favourable combinations for Upanayanam:
(1) The 6th, 7th or 8th house from the Moon being occupied by a benefic.
(2) The Sun or Venus in the 12th, Mercury in the 2nd and Jupiter in a trine or a quadrant.
(3) Venus in Lagna. Mercury in the 10th, the Sun tn the 11th and the Moon in a benefic
(4) When the Lagna is Pisces occupied by Jupiter or Venus with the Sun In the 11th and
Mercury in the 10th or 12th house.
(6) Gemini rising with Mars in Aries. Venus in Taurus and the Moon in Cancer.
Marriage is a most complicated structure made up as it is of a whole series of subjective and
objective facts of a very heterogeneous nature. Since we are concerned with the psycho-
astrological aspect of marriage we shall exclude the objective factors of legal and social
nature although these factors have a pronounced influence on the psychological relationship
of the married pair.
Marriage is not an institution for simple brute sense gratification. The idea that it is a civil
contract terminable at will smacks of meanness in conception of the grand liabilities and
assets between the parties to be engaged in sacred wedlock. One of the great American
judges said "the contract of marriage is something more than a civil agreement between the
parties, the extent of which only affects themselves. It is the basis of the family, and its [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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