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and satins for Dot!" he thought, happily.
In the darkness, his eyes finally adjusted enough to see the form of his ex-wife where she slept deeply
and peacefully on the big double bed. He felt his heart skip a beat when he saw that she was alone as he
had hoped! He brought his back out from the window and whispered to Don. "You're in luck tonight
my boy ... just follow my lead and you'll have the fuck of your life! She may protest a bit at first ... but
that's the way she always is ... that's the best part, in fact ... so don't get spooked by that ... right?" He
winked at the younger man. "You know the kind." he added for good measure.
"Sure ..." Don answered excitedly. Already he was trying to visualize the woman who lay within. He
waited as Nick carefully maneuvered his large body through the window. For such a big man, he could
move surprisingly gracefully, and soon he was standing, a trifle out of breath right inside Dorothy's
bedroom. He turned and helped Don in behind him and soon the two of them were gazing
contemplatively across at the sleeping female figure.
Chapter 6
Dorothy turned over in her sleep. She was enjoying every moment of it, and it seemed that she could feel
even though sleeping, that her body was getting the rest it needed. She sighed a bit, and flung her arms
about to the side, lying flat on her back beneath the weight of the light blanket. She had thrown the
covers back slightly and she was exposed to the waist, her blue nylon nightgown revealing through its
thin gauze, the large curves of her voluptuously defined breasts.
When the hand first clamped over her mouth, she thought she was dreaming, and then she was suddenly
wide awake and screaming. But there was no sound coming out ... it was all in her throat. The hand held
tight and in the darkness, she flailed out, trying desperately to rise and see who was there in the room
with her. Then she felt herself being pushed steadily back down onto the bed, her arms were being
pinned! Still she screamed, twisting, and turning, fighting, trying to kick upwards, bucking with her
whole body. She was sure that this was the end. That she was about to be murdered right there in her
bed. Her mind was a confused blur of horror, and she felt perspiration pouring from her pores. She was
being handled roughly, and strangely she thought of the bruises that must even now be appearing on her
delicate skin. She gulped and almost gagged as the hand pressed down on her mouth, and suddenly she
ceased her struggling, afraid that she would suffocate then and there if she did not. She shivered slightly,
her eyes now suddenly adjusting to the darkness. The man above her looked familiar ... she had seen
him somewhere before ... but where???? And then as she lay trembling fearfully with baited breath,
waiting for just what would happen next, her eyes pleading silently with the man ... "Don't kill me ... do
anything you want to me, just don't kill me!" she thought!
Just then though, a voice growled from a slight distance away, and she realized that someone else was
there ... someone had hold of her legs!
"That's a good girl," Nick said ... "I knew you'd be cooperative ... you see I've brought a friend along to
visit you ... thought you might be lonely with Art away and all!"
Dorothy kicked out and managed to scream. She strained upward with all her might. The sound of her
ex-husband's voice was enough to give her a kind of insane strength, and she almost managed to slip
away from Don's crushing chest.
With alarm, Don had suddenly realized that the beautiful blonde woman was Dorothy, Nick's ex-wife.
The shock made him want to get the hell out of there immediately, but something else made him stay. He
pushed her back down, more gently now, but very firmly, remembering some of the things that Nick had
said about his ex-wife earlier. He remembered what he'd said about her getting to like it after awhile ...
and besides that, he could feel those incredible big babies of her breasts smashing against his chest now
as he held her down on the bed with all his weight. Besides, he thought to himself in an alcoholic daze,
she was the man's wife ... or had been anyway ... what was the harm?
While these thoughts had been going through his head, Nick had been talking in what amounted to a low
conversational tone to Dorothy, as though they had been sitting somewhere having tea.
Dorothy lay back, her eyes now tightly closed. She was completely helpless, she realized, and this
maniac of a man was going to do what he liked with her ... not only that, but he had brought a stranger
along with him to help in his dirty deeds. She just couldn't stand the agony of it, and tried hard to fight
back her mounting fear. Desperately she was trying to reason with herself. Oh God, she thought, let
them get it over with as soon as possible!
"What nice soft thighs, Dot ... I must say, you've always had the nicest thighs of any woman I've ever [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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