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legs. Elgar doesn't like to say anything to Mr. Percival or the
other masters as he thinks it would be sneaking, but I told
him plainly that he was a fool, and the other chaps did so as
well, and we all said that if Davenport kept on any more we
would go in a body and complain of him.
"And then, Davenport and Lawrence are always playing
about with us, pulling out our cocks, and putting ink on them,
The Memoirs of a Voluptuary
by Anonymous
or something of that sort. Don't you think it's right for us to
stick out a bit against him?"
"Certainly!" cried Bob. "I never knew there was anything
so bad as what you say going on, but I'll see that it doesn't
continue. As head of the school, I think I can manage it all
right, and that will save you from going to the masters. I am
afraid it's too late for me to speak to him tonight, but if
Davenport starts again you let him know that you won't put
up with his treatment any longer.
"Davenport is going too far altogether," continued Bob to
us, after Williams had gone. "And you owe him something,
too, don't you, Charlie? Let him wait a little longer, that's all!"
Our interest in the subject flagged after we had got to our
room, and our thoughts turned instinctively to other matters.
"Have you already got a plan for this evening, Blackie?"
asked Bob.
"Let me see! Yes!" replied de Beaupre. "I think I had better
engage the services of Jimmy on this occasion, or he will
think I am neglecting him. So Charlie can pair off with you,
"That's a good arrangement, said Rutherford. "If we go on
like that, there won't be any cause for jealousy between us,
will there? Are you going to give us the details of the
campaign, too?"
"I should suggest a "face-fuck", Blackie answered; after a
moment's thought. "I will show you what I mean in one
When we notified that we were ready to begin, de Beaupre
directed me to lie with my head propped up against the
The Memoirs of a Voluptuary
by Anonymous
pillows, and then told Bob to kneel over my chest, so as to
bring his member opposite my lips, while he supported
himself on his hands, and in this position he was to work his
cock in my mouth in the most approved style and to the best
of his ability. We at once grasped the idea, and proceeded to
put it into effect. Bob's organ was already hard, and exhibited
every eagerness for the fray; and he launched forward,
thrusting it half-way down my throat. The operation was at
first slightly discomforting, but I rapidly accustomed myself to
it; it soon got into full swing, and was working splendidly. I
kept a firm pressure on Bob with my lips, and bestowed little
nibbles on him, advancing my tongue also to meet his
pushes, increasing his pleasure so much that he voted the
performance a first-class one in every way. As he worked his
body, I clasped him round the loins and gently stroked his
bottom, while in answer his knees closed firmly at my sides.
He breathed heavily in his salacious efforts, his pulses
quickened, nerving his cock to further excitation, and his
fierce emotions communicated themselves to me, the warm
friction of his member in my mouth sending a pleasant glow
through my frame, and calling up all the dormant eroticism of
my nature. I felt as if I could have gone on thus for hours,
but for this, as for all things in this world of ours, a period
was fixed, and in course of time I could tell by the quick
jerkiness that began to actuate Bob's movements that he was
fast approaching the goal of his voluptuousness, and about to
lose himself in the consummation of its triumph. In another
minute the anticipation had become a reality; he gave a final
sharp thrust and stopped dead, while his weapon, trembling
The Memoirs of a Voluptuary
by Anonymous
under the forceful ardour he had infused into it, halted in
momentary suspense and then off its charge of living essence
into my expectant mouth. The short education I had received
had yet made me fully appreciative of the sensation, and I
imbibed the draught with all the delight of the born epicure,
which I have no doubt I was, although I had only just come
to a knowledge of the characteristic.
On sitting up, we saw that Jimmy and de Beaupre were [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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