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Doc shook his leonine head. "Forgive me, old friend, but I fear that is beyond
"Me, too," Mildred said. "No good, Ryan. You just can't make us eat."
Ryan sighed. "All right. I won't make you do anything. Rest of us'll be back
here as soon as we can. At least drink plenty of water."
WHEN IT CAME DOWN TO IT, Jak was the only one of the group who managed
anything like a reasonable meal.
Ryan and J.B. both chose some smoked ham with sourdough rolls and a cup of the
imitation Java, even finding that a struggle after the horrific film.
But Jak demolished four rashers of bacon with three eggs over-easy and a
mountain of refried beans, following it with two enormous slices of juicy
"You sure you've had enough, kid?" J.B. asked. "No space left for thirds?"
"I'm fine. And don't call me 'kid,' all right?"
The Armorer nodded. "Sure thing. Sorry. We going to the rooms now?"
Ryan pushed back his chair, looking at Mashashige, again the only one of the
Japanese to dine with them. "Thanks for the food. Thanks for everything."
"You are welcome. You have helped to open my eyes to things that were closed
to me, Cawdor-san."
"Then that's good."
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James Axler - Death Lands - Keeper of the Sun
"In the morning I would speak with you with all of you about Deathlands."
Ryan nodded. "Sure thing. But we all feel like an early night now."
"Of course. Sleep well and tight. I hope that the bugs do not bite."
BY TEN O'CLOCK the castle seemed to be quiet.
Ryan sent Jak to scout around their wing of the building, checking that there
was no unusual guard activity. The teenager ghosted back to report that
everything was still.
"How we going to do this, lover?" Krysty asked. "Place is sealed tighter than
a gnat's ass."
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ABC Amber Palm Converter,
"Two ways. One is to force the main gate. Mean some chilling and a lot of
noise, and the chance of pursuit coming right on top of us."
Doc sniffed and wiped his nose on his sleeve. "I am ahead of you on the
logistical planning element of our departure, my dear fellow."
"How's that?"
"You know how I detest swimming."
"Only a few yards, Doc."
"In a lake filled with goodness knows what kind of monstrous predator."
"Carp, Doc," Mildred said. "That's all I've seen in there. Big sons of
bitches. I'll grant you that. Maybe a giant eel or two, as well."
"Thank you for your support, madam." He paused. "I shall wear it constantly."
The small joke eased the tension, Ryan leading the laughter. "But you're
right, Doc.
Small swim. I've worked out our best route away from here. Down into the
center courtyard, then head toward the main gates, but stop before we actually
reach them.
There's a tower alongside the one with all the weapons and grens and stuff in
it. Has a
[html].html (225 of 260) [12/28/2004 1:01:19 AM]
James Axler - Death Lands - Keeper of the Sun barred window, locked from the
inside, just above the level of the moat. Open that and slip through. Not much
moon tonight. Won't take more than two minutes, swimming slow and easy. No
splashing, Doc. Out of the water and in among the trees."
J.B. nodded. "Shouldn't be any problem. Unless we meet any sentries on the
way. What then? Chill them?"
Ryan considered the question. "Rather not. Mashashige's played the game with
us. Take them out if there's no choice. If we can shut them up for a while,
I'd rather do that. In some ways I'd like to stay around here and help against
his brother. Then again there's the problem of their plans to try and break
through into Deathlands."
"His brother might try that, as well," Krysty said. "Sounds like a nastier
piece of work than the shogun."
THEY TWICE SAW patrolling sec men, in their red-and-white uniforms, carrying
rifles under their arms. But they were able to get back under cover and passed
by undetected, through the central court, with its Zen arrangement of stones
and plants, and along several more passages. They paused a moment when they
felt a slight tremor run through the ground, waiting to see if it was going to
turn into a full quake. But it stopped after four or five seconds, and they
moved on.
They melted back into the deep shadows as half a dozen more sec men walked by,
stepping quietly, keeping totally silent.
Once they'd gone, heading toward the main gate, Ryan stared after them,
vaguely uneasy.
"Something not& " he began. "Still, let it pass."
It didn't seem to be anything that should concern them.
THE DOOR FROM THE YARD into the tower that Ryan had selected was unlocked. It
was about thirty paces from the corner building that held most of the ville's
weapons, and the same distance from the main gate.
"Everyone here all right?" whispered Ryan, hidden in the doorway.
Krysty touched him gently on the arm. "Something's not right, lover." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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