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 It might prove helpful were there a little adjustment to the
Ansi body heat sensors.
 Funny you should say that. I ve just completed a circuitry
re-route that might prove useful.
 Excellent. Particularly those in our temporary quarters.
Jindor smiled again.
Torri carried the duffle bag slung over her right shoulder as
she followed Jindor through the Ansi corridors. Jindor main-
tained a steady pace, no trace of agitation or hesitation in her
stride. She nodded at the staff members they passed, and most
nodded back, though none stopped them. Torri tracked their
130 Andi Marquette
progress on her wrist comm. They had twelve minutes to exit
Ansi holdings before Jann would remove the patch he d sent
through the neurolines. The program he d initiated through
it ensured that Ansi security readouts indicated that two
humanoids occupied the rooms Torri and Jindor had vacated
eight minutes earlier, based on body heat registries. He also
scrambled their biosignatures, so Ansi tracking couldn t
readily identify them. Though Jann could. And if Jann felt he
had to remove the patch early, he d ping them.
A staff member offered a friendly wave as he passed,
and Jindor responded in kind. We believe what we see, Torri
thought. A lesson she learned on her first reconnaissance
mission. Hiding, she discovered, could be done openly, if one
had the confidence to perform in accordance with someone s
expectation or belief about one s identity.  Cadet Rendego has
an innate and effective ability to assess a situation and adjust
her actions to address changes therein and ensure successful
outcomes. We thus recommend she be given more opportunities
in recon. Kai had laughed about that when Torri told her the
results of her first recon assignment. No surprise, she d said.
After all, Torri had been sneaking out of the barracks a few
times a month to explore and bar-crawl. She d always been
good at blending in.
Kai. Torri had to figure out how to get a message to Kai
about what the Coalition was doing at Tinsdale. She glanced at
her wrist comm again. Seven minutes. She relayed that softly
in Southern Edge, and Jindor increased her speed a bit. Two
minutes later, they entered the hangar. A lone staff member sat at
a control console, and from her body language, she was fighting
sleep, and sleep was winning. She looked up as they came in.
 Well met, Jindor said in Empire, sounding tired.
 Priestess, the staff member said, puzzled.  I m sorry, but
I don t have your schedule  She pressed her palm on the
access panel, and Torri pinged Jann at the same time and opened
her commlink so he and Saryl could hear the exchange.
 You re quite certain? Jindor leaned against Torri, as if she
A Matter of Blood 131
needed a place to rest.  Premier Evor told us he would send the
clearance to the hangar.
 No, I haven t received anything like that. The staff
member looked at Torri then Jindor, nervous.
 The Priestess is not feeling well, Torri said.  Yesterday s
blessing rituals drained her, and after consultation with Holder
Evoran and Premier Evor, it was decided that it be best for her
to return to the Star Chaser earlier than expected in preparation
for departure.
 Um. . .
 Perhaps if we contact the Premier, we can clarify the
decision. I m sure he s awake.
The staff member cleared her throat.  Let me check the
comms again.
 Thank you. Torri adjusted her position to make it easier
for Jindor to continue leaning on her. She had assessed the Ansi
mood correctly. No one really wanted to deal with either the
holder or his successor. Even if Saryl couldn t plant the message
after Torri had just pinged Jann, this Ansi staff member would
let them pass. After all, a representative of the goddess was not
feeling well. Better to deal with an unpopular mortal man than
the potential long-term effects of a displeased goddess.
 Ah, here s one. The staff member looked up in obvious
Thank you, Saryl.
 But it s from Major Sorreth at Tinsdale.
How had Saryl managed that? No matter. Torri was glad
she had. Sorreth s orders trumped Evoran s. And Evor, she was
certain, would not challenge a Coalition officer.  And the
major is authorizing transport to the Star Chaser?
The staff member seemed to be reading through the comm.
 He does. You re to wait outside for your escort to your ship.
The staff member looked at her console, then at Torri and
Jindor, clearly torn.
 No need to leave your station, Torri said.  You ve done
your duty well.
132 Andi Marquette
 Thank you. Many thanks, as well, for your visit and your
blessings, Priestess. I hope you are not indisposed too
 Just a bit of exhaustion. Thank you for your concern.
Jindor smiled at her and allowed Torri to lead her across the
hangar to the main arched entrance, big enough for floaters and
small cruisers. The staff member took the force shield down,
and they exited into an encroaching dawn. Torri felt rather than
heard the hum of the shield as it reactivated, a barely
discernible static in the still air. Once the sun finished cresting
the eastern horizon, its warmth would stir wind.
Jindor stopped leaning on her, and Torri checked her wrist
comm. Twenty seconds to spare. She could just make out the
form of the Far Seek in the gray light that bridged night and
day. A light bounced toward them. A floater, no doubt,
bringing their escort. It arrived carrying two Coalition soldiers,
and Jann. He hopped out.  Guardian, if I may?
Torri nodded, and he took the duffle bag from her and loaded
it into the cargo hold of the floater. One soldier remained in
the vehicle, and one stood and watched Jann, who returned to
Jindor s side. He preceded her onto the floater.  Are you ready,
 I am. Thank you. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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