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 What do you mean? she asked him breathlessly.
 I mean that the next time I ask you to wear these shoes, you d better get rid of
your panties first.
Miss October
 The next time you Why?
He leaned over and pressed a kiss into the fabric that stretched across her belly.
 Because your feet are nailed to the floor, sweetheart. And that means this underwear
isn t coming off any time soon.
 But couldn t we just 
 Sorry, Tavia. It s too late now. We re just going to have to work around the
Still kneeling between her legs, Bolt settled his large hands on her inner thighs and
urged her legs apart. She held her breath as his palms pressured her already stretched
thighs even wider while his rough, calloused fingers moved slowly toward the apex of
her legs. Before they reached the warm crease at the top of her thighs, she saw his head
dip and felt his breath warming her mound. Her back arched and her eyes rolled back
in her head as waves of humid heat washed over her pussy. Anticipation had her riding
a razor-edge of passionate need as every muscle in her body tightened. When he finally
graced her with the smooth touch of his mouth full, soft and heated against the silk
stretched over her pussy Tavia choked back a tiny, telling, little sob.
Bolt breathed out a low, masculine sound of pleasure. He clucked his tongue and it
smacked between her legs gently.  Red, he muttered against the heated silk.  Bright
red panties with a blue dress. Who d you wear the panties for, Tavia?
The room was silent except for Tavia s soughing breath.
Bolt nudged his hot mouth against her pouting labia, bathing her silk-clad pussy
with his warm breath.  Who d you wear the panties for, Tavia? And you d better not
tell me Alex.
Tavia swallowed hard.  I didn t& wear them for anybody.
 Aw, now you re just hurting my feelings. His mouth opened along her slot and
when he closed it, he nipped at her plump labia. He pressed the flesh firmly between
his blunt teeth then opened his mouth and stroked his lips across the damp silk of her
panties. The tip of his tongue crept through the seam of her sex, intruding between her
Madison Hayes
hungry lips as far as her filmy underwear would allow.  Tell me who you wore the
panties for, Tavia.
When she didn t answer again, she saw his head tilt between her legs. She almost
jumped when his tongue slid inside the elastic leg of her panties, lapping gently but
insistently at the naked flesh of her outer labia, tugging at her thickened lips,
encouraging them to part a breathless half-inch. As his tongue slid out of her panties,
her flesh closed again over the folds of her sex. Then she felt the firm press of his
thumbs in the crease between her legs, stretching her open on either side of her long slit.
With both thumbs pulling her sex wide, Bolt drew his flattened tongue up the hot silk
stretched over her open pussy.
The fine fabric of her underwear was wet and steamy as he opened his mouth over
the red silk and settled his tongue over her clitoris. He gave her hungry clit a long,
leisurely lick.  Tell me who you wore the panties for.
She blew out a frustrated breath.  You, she said in a short, quiet word.
 What was that?
 You, she shouted.  I wore the red panties for you!
 Thought so, he drawled.  Too bad I don t like underwear on a woman.
She snorted. The sound was a little bit of amusement mixed up with a lot of
 I ll let it go this time, he advised her.  Just don t let it happen again.
Leaning over her, he reached for the buttons of her dress, smiling into her wide-
eyed gaze as his long fingers fumbled the buttons open all the way from the scooping
neckline right down to the rumpled hem. Then he spread the dress apart. Like a lick of
liquid flame, his gaze traveled down her exposed body then returned to the heaving
mounds of her breasts, crammed into the full cups of her red lace bra. His hands
smoothed up her midriff until he held the sides of her breasts in the cradle of his large
Miss October
palms. Automatically Tavia arched on the bed, pressing her lips together as Bolt
handled her tits with murmuring appreciation. His voice was rough-soft as he
expressed his devotion in quiet, rumbling bursts of sound. His thumbs brushed across
the cups, the calloused pads catching on the fancy lace of the brassiere. When he leaned
forward, his bared abdomen came into warm contact with her open pussy. His skin [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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