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Russian riot almost a year ago. The young man had almost single handedly kept
a bad situation from turning into a disaster that could have resulted in
drastic impacts to the overall war plan. If the
Russians had closed their borders and asked the transiting GIR forces to leave
at that time, the entire current set of events would have been drastically
altered, and not in favor of the GIR or its allies.
After the presentation of the medal, the General's staff had done a thorough
study of the young man's exploits throughout the war. It had been a
fascinating tale, one that the General felt was only exceeded by the story of
the Imam's military exploits themselves. Such an individual as this young
Selim deserved the chance for promotion. The fighting men would love it & in
fact they did love it because most of them saw in the Selim a regular
individual like themselves who was making good. On top of that, his
accomplishments under fire and his willingness to sacrifice for his own men
made him a natural leader, one the common soldiers were more than willing to
follow, and an individual, if he survived, whom
Talabari would be proud to promote and mentor.
"Well, that will take whatever course Allah wills," thought the General as his
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attention turned back to other matters. Perhaps soon, the General would take
the young Colonel on a trip to meet the Imam
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himself, just before Talabari returned to the 4thand 7thGIR Army groups and
their Chinese, Algerian and
Libyan allies surrounding Israel for preparations for the final push to the
sea there.
In the mean time, the memory of the successful Chinese intercept of the
Russian ballistic missiles and the likely reaction of Americans to it, once
again filled his mind.
"The Americans, who thought they were so far ahead in ABM technology, and who
must have been secure in their thinking that when the time came they could
rely on their own missiles reaching targets while they themselves erected a
shield against the missiles of others, must have literally soiled their pants!
& or at the least almost burst a capillary or two when they realized what had
& and they very nearly had.
June 15, 2008, 21:45 CST
Ferguson Ranch
Bowie, TX
Cindy Simmons sat in her parents living room contemplating her life. She had
asked for and received time off from work down at the aircraft plant so she
could just get away. Her foreman and several layers of management above her
sympathized with and understood her loss. They were more than willing to
grant, and even to encourage her request. A couple of them knew first hand
what she was going through.
Although Billy was still officially listed as MIA, both Jess and those
officers who had come to talk to her personally had made it clear that he was
presumed dead.
Cindy did not want to believe it. She could not get out of her mind how proud
she had been, or how good it had been when Billy had visited her prior to
shipping out & for the last time. He had come to Ft.
Worth and visited her at her apartment near the plant. He had asked all about
her work and told her how proud he was of her for what she was doing to
support the war effort and in particular how much her specific efforts on the
JSF meant to the Marines with whom he served. It had seemed like such a short
visit at the time and it really had not been that very long ago.
Now he was gone, most probably to never return again.
"Oh," she thought, "if only we somehow knew for sure. If only we could lay him
to rest here near to home."
She and Billy had spent one weekend up on the ranch near Montague and they had
walked along Clear
Creek where Billy had grown up hunting squirrels and rabbits with his dog. She
could still almost here his answer, echoing faintly from far off in the woods
along the creek, as she would call him home to dinner or to accomplish some
chore. He had always come as quickly as he could, not wanting his mother to
worry or have to wait needlessly. If only she could simply call him home now.
If only he could hear her, surely he would hurry back again.
"But he sure loved that place," she continued in her mind. "Just like his
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Now Cindy was here alone, at her parents ranch near Bowie, Texas, almost
twenty miles from their own ranch over southeast of Montague. Her parents had
gone into Bowie earlier in the evening and asked her to come along, but she [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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