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Bryan sucked air through his teeth.
 Tonight, you do what I say, when I say it. Got it?
 Sure. What you re saying is you re the guy with the antlers here.
That bit of sass bought him another slap -- this time across the sensitive flesh of his
inner thigh. Right. Best not to remind Dallas he d just been dragged into an enchanted world
of visions and magic he d had no idea even existed.
 Which brings us to rule one. I don t know what other kinds of weird shit you re
capable of, but tonight --
 No magic. Got it. He was impressed with how well Dallas was taking what he d seen
so far -- not like he d risk springing more on him so soon.
If he stopped to analyze that thought, he d have to wonder why he was afraid of
chasing Dallas away, when all he d done for the past few months was fend off his advances.
Good thing he didn t plan on doing a lot of thinking for the next few hours.
When Dallas leaned down to retrieve the simple wooden box that contained a
formidable collection of sex toys, restraints, and an assortment of whips, floggers, and
slappers, Bryan s heart kicked into high gear. He never took his eyes off his friend as he
sorted through the box, touching each item with a contemplative expression. His dark lashes
shadowed his deep brown eyes, but Bryan didn t need to see his eyes to know Dallas was
startled by the sophistication of his collection.
 So if you re into this kind of thing, why does the box have a layer of dust on the lid?
Crap, not a topic he wanted to explore at the moment.  So I haven t played in a while.
Big deal.
 Haven t played -- or haven t gotten laid at all?
42 Eden Rivers
When Bryan turned his head away, Dallas stroked his cheek.
 What gives? You ve turned me down a few times -- Jon s out of the game, since he s
marrying your sister -- and yet, no one else has been keeping your bed warm?
 Look, if you want to talk all night, that s fine, but I thought we were here to --
Bryan didn t get any further before Dallas touched a finger to his lips, pulled a pair of
fur-lined leather restraints out of the box, and secured his wrists to the brass bars of the
headboard.  Play. We re here to play. But just so you know, your loneliness is coming across
like a scream in the night. Later, we re going to talk, and you re going to explain what you re
so goddamned afraid of.
Fat chance. He might not have the heart to tear down the connection he d forged
between them, but at least Dallas didn t seem to be picking up on much more than strong
Bryan shivered as his friend reached into the box to select the next item, and he
couldn t decide if he was relieved or disappointed when Dallas pulled out a simple leather
slapper. He generally saved that one for when he brought home someone who was skittish
about his toy box. The rectangular layers of leather attached to the stiff leather handle
weren t much longer than his hand, and he knew from experience that it made a big noise,
and produced some heat, but lacked any real bite.
Nonetheless, he squealed when Dallas raised his arm and brought the leather down
against his chest. Heat rushing to his face, he tried to figure out what in blessed creation had
him so on edge.
 You sure you re up for this tonight? Dallas bent to brush a kiss across the pink mark
where the leather had connected with his skin.
 Surprised me, that s all. Bring it on.
Strange Sabbats 43
He flinched when Dallas nipped the tender center of the slap mark, then kissed him
again and ran his tongue along the sensitized skin. Before he could catch his breath, Dallas
layered another area of heat next to the first, covering his left nipple this time.
His cock jumped at the next nip, not to mention the following kiss and slow, sensual
tongue stroke. He twisted against the restraints and arched his hips, all but begging for
Dallas s touch.
But all that followed was another resounding  thwack of stiff leather slapping against
his chest, another kiss, more tongue work. By the time Dallas worked down to his belly,
methodically covering his body in rows of heat and sensation, he was ready to twist out of
his skin.
 I -- oh, shit -- I can t --
 Sure you can. You just need a little help.
44 Eden Rivers
Chapter Four
Bryan tensed when Dallas reached down to where he d abandoned the toy box at the
end of the bed, but the only items forthcoming were a leather cock ring and a tube of [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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