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or anyone else she could lean on. She d learned to take of business herself.
Yet here was this soldier without a heart taking away what little she d
gained over the last few years. She resented him for making her desperate.
 Fuck me, she demanded.  Put your cock all the way in and make me
He chuckled, waved a finger before her face, and shook his head.  A
little less commanding. A lot more submissive.
She swore and rolled her eyes. Without warning, he spun her around,
pushed her forward so she bent with her ass in the air, and he plunged
deep inside her. Zita cried out his name. He worked her rough and fast for
a few moments, and then stopped. She screamed out her frustration. When
her body settled down, as if the man sensed the rise and fall of her
excitement, he pumped his long, thick cock into her aching pussy a second
time. Cream drenched her upper thighs. How she could be so wet and not
climax yet, she didn t know, but Caleb continued to torture her.
 Ready to submit? he asked and worked her a third time.
 Yes. She couldn t hold out another second. He d won.  Please, fuck
me, Caleb. I want you so bad.
 Good, girl. He turned Zita so she could rest one knee on the bed.
With steel in his hold, he thrust into her pussy. Zita arched at the violence
of his move while the intense sensation had her head spinning. She pushed
back to him and matched his speed. Their hips ground together over and
over, both panting and groaning.
Caleb s noises excited Zita all the more. She reached back to grip his
thighs and drive him into her with force. Caleb s groans grew more
fevered.  You re going to make me come, woman. Is that what you want?
You want me to let go?
 Yes, she rasped and lost the strength to hold herself up. Caleb lifted
her fully onto the bed and followed her down. His heavy weight pressed
her into the bed. He raised her arms above her head and pinned her wrists
in place. Somehow she felt he was angry. An orgasm made her shudder
and whimper, but he never slowed his onslaught.
He reached under her to cup her pussy, allowing his cock to glide into
her between his fingers. When he moved to her clit, she keened. His
mouth pressed to her ear and in a harsh whisper, he muttered,  For now,
this is mine. If I catch you fucking another man, you will be responsible
for me beating his ass to a pulp. Is that clear?
Zita knew he was saying it because she d threatened him, saying she
could have sex with any man in this facility, and a man like Caleb would
never accept being tossed aside or made to feel like he was no better than
the next man. He d have to prove he was superior by beating up the other
guy. As pissed off at him as she was at that moment, she also got a small
thrill at his attitude. Of course, she d never let him know that. And to
avoid a repeat of his earlier denying her pleasure, she chose not to buck up
against him.
Caleb caught her chin, turned her head, and kissed her lips. They
stayed in that position until she d come almost a dozen times and he d
released twice. Then Caleb guided her to the shower, and they washed
quickly before returning to the bed to sleep in each other s arms.
Wedged against his chest, she tried to reposition herself to see his
shoulder better.  You shouldn t have gotten in the shower without
covering it with plastic. You could have wet the bandages. Let me see.
 Don t worry about it. It s fine.
He pushed her hands away but not before she saw that the bandage
was indeed loose, and behind it, his skin was almost unscarred like the
stitches had never been there at all. There was just a small red slash where
he d been shot. Zita decided she must be seeing things because if not,
Caleb was unlike any man she d ever met.
Chapter Five
Before the sun rose, they were on the road again. So far, Caleb had
managed to keep Zita s questions at bay, but from the questioning glances
she cast his way, he knew that wouldn t work for long. After a few hours
behind the wheel while she slept, Caleb figured Zita would be bugging
him soon to stop for something to eat. As if she d sensed him thinking
about it, she moaned and shifted in her chair. His cock hardened
remembering the times they d had sex. Caleb had known bedding Zita
would be good, but she d blown his mind. Her body was just what he
needed, and the more he touched her, the more he wanted to.
Dragging his eyes off her breasts and reliving the sensation of sucking
her nipples, he focused on the road ahead. An off ramp led him to a strip
of fast food restaurants where he considered whether to use the drive
through. Who knew if this contraption she called home would fit without
ripping off half the building.
Zita made his decision for him.  Park over there. I gotta go pee.
He pulled in and parked. Caleb followed behind Zita to a country
buffet styled restaurant. At the same time he acknowledged the sexy sway
in her hips, he took in their surroundings with scarcely a look and searched
his pockets for money.  We re not going to be here long. You should have
chosen something faster.
 They ve got awesome food here and fast service. You ll like it. Trust
me. I used to cook here.
 Not a good idea. Someone might recognize you.
 You re wanted, not me, soldier boy. I have you covered.
Caleb grunted.
They entered the dim interior, and Zita made a beeline for the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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