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 No, Mother, my information came from visiting my clubs and
talking to people. In truth, she behaves as if she abhors my very
 An act. She s out to get you!
Harry smiled as he thought of this morning. He d stopped and
turned to look, to catch another glimpse of Claire. She d been
staring after him. Caught in the act, she d turned and galloped in
the other direction, to catch up with her companions. After
pretending a disinterest in him, Claire had been staring after him!
 No, mother, she s not out to get me. I m out to get her.
* * * *
Claire studied the programme and smiled when she saw Lady
Emily, the earl of Spode s sister, was scheduled to play. Oooh, she
was going to play a selection from Beethoven s Piano Sonata #14!
She wished it was the entire
The heat of his body hit her the instant his scent reached her nose.
Claire turned to face Harry and called herself all kinds of fool
when her stomach quivered at the sight of his smile.
 Good evening, Lady Claire.
Only and Always You
It was difficult not to return his smile, but she succeeded.  You re
sitting in my cousin s chair.
 Your cousin was happy to relinquish her chair to me. See, she s
smiling. I think she likes me.
Claire looked where Harry pointed and saw Ellen smiling widely.
No doubt her cousin thought she d done Claire a good turn. She d
have to have a talk with Ellen.
 I like your feather, Harry drawled.
Claire pinched her lips together, but it was no use. His expression
made her laugh out loud.
 Ah, I made you laugh. Do you recall how we used to try to get the
other to laugh first?
Claire nodded, still smiling.  Want to wear my feather?
 It might clash with my clothes.
 No, feathers work well with black. We could stick it down your
cravat, behind your head. When he shook his head she tapped
him with her rolled up programme.  Imagine how regal you d look
each time you turned or inclined your head. A big, fluffy feather to
accompany your every nod and command. You d be known as
Viscount Fluffy-Head.
His bark of laughter drew all eyes to them. She and Harry leaned
forward toward one another and laughed. Claire laughed until she
had to wipe her eyes, and looked at Harry. His expression drained
the levity from her.
 Claire, can we . . .?
 Ah, the music is about to begin, she said and whipped out her
fan, keeping her eyes to the front.
* * * *
Gerri Bowen
Harry didn t attend to the music. He was happy. Claire was back in
his life and . . . When had he realized he still loved her? He thought
back over the last two days, and decided it didn t matter. He loved
her. If he wasn t mistaken, and he didn t think he was, she still felt
something for him. Hopefully it was love. She was skittish around
him, but he had rejected her all those years ago; he could
appreciate her reluctance to trust. He understood, once Spode
explained what his wife explained to him. Claire had been so hurt
by his rejection, her sense of worth nil, that she accepted the first
man to look upon her with approval. Having four sisters who cried
when one looked at them  funny, Harry was acquainted with the
female need for approval.
It was just a matter of time before he convinced her he cared for
her and wanted her as his wife.
* * * *
Why was he displaying such attention? She couldn t credit . . . no,
couldn t allow herself to believe his singular interest pointed
toward marriage. Claire had forgotten his presence briefly, whilst
Lady Emily played the pianoforte, but now the music was over.
The time had come for her to face Harry and tell him she didn t
want his consideration.
 Shall we have some refreshment? he asked.
Claire nodded. This was going to be difficult. She d never noticed
how the sound of his voice flowed over her body like a caress. Had
it always done? He handed her a glass of lemonade.
 May I escort you to the Spode picnic?
Claire studied her glass.  I m attending with my cousin.
 I shall escort you both. She likes me, remember?
Only and Always You
Claire smiled. He always made her smile. Well, not always.  I don t
believe it wise for you to continue paying attention to me. She
looked up when he didn t reply. He wore a slight frown.
 If you tell me you have absolutely no feeling for me, that you
loathe the very sight of me, I shall oblige you and never trouble
you again.
The blasted man!  I . . .
 But you must look me in the eye and tell me you loathe me. Can
you do that, Claire?
Claire shook her head.  It isn t about how I feel. It s about 
 Oh, but it is all about how you feel, he said.  This isn t an idle
flirtation, Claire. I m pursuing you. I want to marry you, if you ll [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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