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that she was nothing but a fuck toy to him.
When the truth was she was anything but.
When the truth was that he didn't want her to go.
When the truth was that even after only ten minutes
together in the cabin, he knew if Janica left, he'd feel
the echoes of her everywhere he looked for the next
four weeks.
Maybe even for the rest of his life.
The power of these realizations had him reeling.
Her mouth was soft beneath his. Last night their kisses
had been rough, caught up in the delirium of their
passion. Now, he had the time to learn the curve of her
lips, the sweep of her tongue, to find out how much she
liked it when he dipped into the corners where her lips
Barely pulling back from her mouth, he whispered,  I
like you. So much more than you know.
Now she was the one kissing him.  Then take me back
to bed, Luke.
He wasn't going to lie, he had enjoyed playing out the
dominant-submissive fantasy last night, but those roles
weren't who either of them really were. If he could have,
he would have told her how sorry he was, but his
emotions were still too tangled up, too mangled for the
words to come.
He'd have to tell her another way.
He lightly stroked her short, silky hair.  You're beautiful.
 So are you.
The sun was streaming into the cabin's windows as
they held each other, and then, she was stepping out of
his arms, reaching around to undo the clasp at the
back of her bra.
It fell to the ground and he finally got to see her
beautiful breasts in the light of day.
He was temporarily paralyzed by his desire for her. A
small smile playing on her lips, she hooked her thumbs
into the sides of her panties and slowly shimmied them
 I'm naked now. Just the way you said you wanted me.
Was her playful spin on his angry, hard words her way
of saying she forgave him? Please, he would give
anything to have her forgive him. To have her know that
he didn't mean any of the harsh things he'd said. That
he wished he could take back all of the harsh things
he'd done.
 Now it's your turn, she said, breaking into his
As if it were the most normal thing in the world, she sat
down on the couch and crossed her legs, completely
naked as she looked up at him and waited for him to
comply with her request.
He'd never been with a woman who was so
comfortable with her body. With herself, period.
His cock, already hard from their kiss and her
striptease, twitched in response to her command. He
moved to undo his belt, but she shook her head.
 Shirt off first.
His entire adult life, Luke had been in control.
Whatever he needed, whatever he wanted at the
hospital, all he had to do was ask and it was delivered
to him. For the first time, it wasn't his show.
Sure, he was bigger, stronger than Janica. He could
take over in an instant, pick up her small body and pull
her over him. But that wasn't what this was about.
Right now, he needed to not only give her back what
he'd taken from her the night before when he'd been
completely out of control, he needed to give her the
most important thing of all.
His trust.
The question was, could he do it?
Chapter Eleven
There was so much going on in that head of his.
Too much.
 Sex doesn't have to be this complicated, Luke, she
said softly.
Wanting to help him, she reached for his hands and
pulled him down to his knees in front of her. Wrapping
her legs around his waist, she pressed her lips to his
forehead, to his cheekbones, to his chin.
Saving the best for last, she pressed her lips to his
mouth. All the while, emotion was building up from way
down deep in her belly, from the center of her heart,
and even though she knew what was coming, even
though she knew she shouldn't say it again, she simply
couldn't stop herself.
 I love you.
She could feel his breath against her lips, his heart
beating against her chest. And then he was kissing her
again, and she was pulling off his T-shirt and unzipping
his jeans.
His erection was hard and thick and hot against her
naked skin.
 Take me, Luke.
In one slow thrust he sheathed himself inside her and
she gasped at how full, how complete she felt. Her
pussy lips were still sensitive from their lovemaking the
night before, but instead of pain she felt the deepest [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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