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Dan shook his head.  I know it sounds ridiculous, but
that s what he said. He looked at the paperwork before him.
 This guy was nervous. Scared shitless, I think.
 What did he do when you asked him to come down?
 He freaked. He said that there was no way in hell he
was coming down to the station. I asked him if I could meet
him somewhere. He shrugged.  That didn t work. He just
kept muttering that he liked his life and there was no way he
or anyone in his family was going to end up like the girls.
Dan paused.  I tried to calm him down, but no matter what I
said he wouldn t listen. He refused to answer any personal
questions, so I asked him if he could give a description.
 What did he say? Michael moved to the water cooler
and filled a cup.
 He said that he shouldn t even be making the call and
hung up.
 Did you get a recording of the conversation?
Dan let out a breath.  No.
 Do you think he knew anything? Michael sat sipping
his water as he watched the muted activity of the squad
 I think he knew a lot. He was just afraid to say
 You can t blame him. Michael couldn t count how
many times there was someone out there who knew
something about a case but wouldn t speak up because they
were afraid for their life or their family s. Which was
understandable there were times when a witness was found
dead.  Do you think he ll call back?
 When he gets his nerve up again, I think he will. Dan
stood, went to the door, and held it open.  It s one goddamn
brick wall after another.
Whittier / Fatal Embrace
Michael nodded and walked out of Dan s office.
 We re having a meeting at the grange this afternoon.
There are going to be representatives from several different
PDs. You want to come?
* * * * *
Jessica peeked out the kitchen window and ran to the
table when she saw the lights from the truck pull into the
driveway. She lit the candles at each end of the table,
dimmed the lights, and sat down. Smoothing her hair, she
waited with anticipation.
Michael hung his coat and began looking through the
mail as he headed for the kitchen.  Did you miss me? he
called out as he reached the entryway. When he didn t get an
answer, he slowly looked up. The mail drifted to the floor
unnoticed as he sucked in a deep breath.  I guess so. He
focused on the slender leg that was artfully draped across the
table. He followed silken curves to her round thighs, his gaze
moved momentarily to the dark shadowed mass of soft hair
before returning to her abdomen. Her tender round breasts
were responsive to his gaze, straining for his touch. He
feasted his eyes on her delicate flesh that was carpeted in
dancing candlelight.
His eyes captured hers, holding them until he could
speak.  I was just thinking on the way home how great it felt
knowing that someone was here waiting for me. I never
dreamed of this.
A smile crept to Jessica s lips.  Come here.
He went to her and fell to his knees. She swiveled around
in the chair and held him to her chest. Tears streamed down
her cheeks. She tilted his head up and kissed him with all the
Whittier / Fatal Embrace
love that billowed inside her. She undressed him, savoring
every touch.
Michael took Jessica s hands in his.  Slow down, baby.
 I can t.
He kissed her tears dry and lifted her onto the table. As
he laid her down, he straddled her. He nibbled on her
swollen lips, deepening the kiss so he could taste her
sweetness. Jessica stroked his back, and, gripping his
buttocks, she wrapped her legs around his waist, lifting
herself to him. She needed to feel him deep inside her.
The joining was powerful and passionate. In the
aftermath, they lay exhausted on the table. Jessica ran her
fingers across Michael s stomach; it rumbled in protest. She
looked up.
 I thought you said that you were going to fix dinner.
 That was dinner.
He tilted Jessica s chin up.  Then it was delicious. He
sat up on an elbow and watched her.
She smiled.  Why are you looking at me like that?
 I love you.
 What? She pulled away with surprise, wishing the
candlelight wasn t so dim. Her heart fluttered in her chest.
He only had to look into her eyes for all his fears to
disappear.  It s been a long time since I ve said that, but it s
true. I love you, Jessica Stanson, more than you will ever
know. I want you to be here every day for the rest of my
life. He drew her back to him.  I love knowing that
whatever kind of day I m having, good or bad, at the end of
it I can come home to your smiling face. He kissed her
fingertips.  I want your laugh to fill my house and my heart.
Promise me you ll never stop taunting me, teasing me,
mocking me.
Whittier / Fatal Embrace
She blinked twice as she listened to him.
Michael touched her tears.  No, don t cry. His thumb
touched the corner of her eye.  No tears, baby.
She sucked in a deep, shaky breath.  I love you too. I
have loved you from the first time I saw you. She felt
liberated.  I never thought I would be able to tell you. She
wiped at her fresh set of tears.  I never dreamed you would
allow me to.
He linked her hand with hers.  I know I was hard on
 Shh, it doesn t matter.
He kissed her long and hard, as if sealing his words.
 How does a hot shower sound?
 Wonderful. She looked at the goose bumps that hard
formed on her skin.  And warm.
* * * * *
Standing under the hot water, Jessica watched Michael as
he lathered the soap up.
 Come here. He held open white foamy hands.
She stepped out of the water into Michael s waiting
hands. It felt wonderful having them roam all over her. He
didn t miss an inch. When she was completely covered in
soft white lather, she scooped a handful off and began to
cover Michael.
 Rinse. His command was a husky whisper.
Once the soap was rinsed off, he guided Jessica to the
back of the shower. Pressing her against the cold tile, he
kissed her long and hard. The kisses blended into one as he
slid down her neckline to her breasts.
She buried her hands in his hair and cupped the back of
his head. She couldn t believe the pleasure she could derive
from such a small act. She looked down and watched the
Whittier / Fatal Embrace
man she loved ravish her body. She enjoyed watching him
please her.
Michael licked the water off her flat stomach on the way
down the soft patch of wet hair. His body grew with
excitement as he looked up at Jessica. Her head was leaning
against the tile, eyes closed, waiting. He savored the taste of
her and the moans of pleasure that escaped her lips. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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